Category Family

Javanese Women and Their Lifestyles

javanese wedding

In modern life, such traditional Javanese culture then is getting blurred. But, whenever and wherever you meet those Javanese women, you will see them as soft and gentlewomen. Traditional and Modern Javanese Women Javanese culture has been inherited centuries ago.…

Roles and Responsibilities of Family Members

Parental Neglect Or Undue Strict Discipline

Know the basic roles of each family members. Performing the roles expected of each member can lead to family harmony and happiness. Introduction Family members must live together in peace and harmony. To achieve this, each member of the family…

10 Reasons to Live Off-Campus

university campus

College dorms can be a great way to socialize and feel part of a community filled with peers who share the same interest in music and social activities but it can also be very tight quarters that lack privacy. Financially,…