In modern life, such traditional Javanese culture then is getting blurred. But, whenever and wherever you meet those Javanese women, you will see them as soft and gentlewomen.
Traditional and Modern Javanese Women
Javanese culture has been inherited centuries ago. The ancient kingdoms within Java land provided and taught a lot of Javanese social values and norms for Javanese people. Myths and heroic stories were told continuously to their young generations. Therefore, in general, Javanese people always act and behave by their social values and norms.
A Javanese woman is drawn as soft and gentle. She acts, walks, and talks like a princess in a palace. Softly and in order. In the era of the ancient kingdom, even a woman walked on her knees when she met her man. She did not allow to speak loudly or louder than men. She did not allow for laughing loudly. And her couple was decided by her parents. There was no dating. Her man was chosen by her parents.
When a Javanese woman got married to a chosen man, she might devote her life fully to her husband and family. Her life was 100% owned by her man. She might wash her husband’s clothes, wash her husband’s feet, no late for meals of her husband, and of course making love whenever her husband wants her.
Wherever and Whenever They are…
In modern life, such traditional Javanese culture then is getting blurred. Javanese women, of course, may get jobs in offices. They don’t have to walk on their knees anymore when they met their men. They may choose their couples. However, the traditional way of life is still there, although it is not too clear.
Modern Javanese Women will be seen as betrayed Javanese women if they do not devote their life to their husbands. They will be seen as sinners. Their living will not get God to bless.
Forever Javanese Women
Whenever and wherever you meet those Javanese women, you will see them as soft and gentle women. They will never show their happiness and wealth too much and generally wears simple fashionable clothes.
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