Roles and Responsibilities of Family Members

Know the basic roles of each family members. Performing the roles expected of each member can lead to family harmony and happiness.


Family members must live together in peace and harmony. To achieve this, each member of the family must be aware of the duties and responsibilities expected of him. He should be able to do his work and at the same time be willing to do it. The distribution of household chores depends on the age, sex, and health of every member.

Role of a Father

The father is the breadwinner and chief provider of the family. He makes the major family decisions together with his mother and with the help of other members. This is the traditional role of the father. Today, this role has been changed to include other responsibilities. Aside from being a breadwinner, he also participates actively in managing the household and helps to care for the children like bringing them to school, attending school meetings, and shopping with them. He does gardening, does home repairs, and even help mother marketing and preparation of family meals.

Role of a Mother

The mother is the manager and treasurer of the family. She supervises and coordinates the household tasks, takes care of the children, prepares the family budget, plans and prepares the family meals. Today, mothers also help earn a living to increase family income.

Girl Siblings Roles

The girls help the mother in doing household chores. These include dusting and sweeping, preparing the meals, setting and clearing the table, doing errands, and going to the market with the mother. The older girls attend to additional shores, like washing, ironing clothes and taking care of younger brothers and sisters.

Boy Siblings Roles

The boys are usually assigned heavy work in the house. This includes scrubbing the floor, fetching water, planting and watering the plants, cleaning the yard, and doing errands. Carpentry work is assigned to older boys who can help the father in making repairs in the house.

Changes in family roles nowadays

Nowadays, father and mother, as well as girls and boys in the family, share in almost all the house works. There are times that girls do the gardening while boys help in cooking and taking care of younger brothers and sisters. There are times when the father takes care of the house while the mother has to do some work outside the house.

The home activities of one family may differ from those of other families. The difference may depend on the size and income of the family. Big families mean more members to share the household chores. Families with big income can afford to hire outside help who can do most of the household task. Families with small income have to distribute the household task among members.

A schedule of homemaking tasks is an effective tool that will ensure the participation of the family members in a household task during their free time. The schedule is also a reminder for every member on what they are expected to do and accomplish at home every day. The schedule should be flexible. It can also include the date when the work is to be done by members to avoid confusion.


Performing the roles expected of each member can lead to family harmony and happiness. Each member must also be considerate, helpful, and respectful toward each other. Each member must also be aware that he is different from others in terms of character traits, intelligence, and physical strength. Recognizing these differences help the family members understand one another.

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