Category Health

Boost Your Health With Pineapple


Pineapple has its origins in South America. It was carried by the Spanish explorers in their ships to prevent the scourge of scurvy. Early attempts to grow the fruit in Europe failed as pineapple requires a tropical climate to grow.…

The Golden Herb to Protect Your Heart


The golden herb turmeric, botanically called Curcuma longa, is a symbol of life and prosperity in India. Recently, it has been proved that the rich antioxidant ingredient of turmeric lowers the risk of post bypass operation heart attacks. Turmeric powder…

Health Benefits of Green Tea

green tea

Tea comes from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, containing a plethora of antioxidants. These are polyphenols, flavonoids, and catechins. These fight the free radicals in our bodies which are causing damage to our cells. Good For teeth Tea also contains…

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

chia seed

Black and white chia seed superfood health benefits. Chia seeds are using for various medicinal purposes for centuries in eastern Europe and by Mexican people, this plant grows seeds like flax seeds and some people think them the same but…

Benefits of Hot Oil Massage


A hot oil massage can be an inexpensive luxury capable of relieving the aches strains and tensions of a busy the day A hot oil massage can soothe, relax and relieve muscle tension What can be better than after a…

10 Health Benefits of Velvet Tamarind

Velvet Tamarind

Velvet tamarind (dialium guineense) commonly known as ‘icheku’in Igbo, ‘awin’ in Yoruba, and ‘tsamiyar- kurm’ in Hausa is a woody plant that occurs in the rain forest region of West Africa. It has smooth grayish bark, dark green glossy leaves,…