220 Interesting Fun Facts About the U.S.A.

Welcome to the board of facts! In this article, we would be considering the United States of America. Before we move further, I would like you to know what some notable people said or wrote about this country in one circumstance or the other. Note that this may be either positive or negative but never mind.

I love my freedom. I love my America (Jessie Lane Adams)
May I never wake up from the American dream (Carrie Latet)
The cement of this union is the heart-blood of America (Thomas Jefferson)

There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what it is in America (William J. Clinton)

To me, being an American means feeling safe (Currielene Armstrong)
We sleep peacefully at night, cradled by the big strong hands of America (Val Sainsbury)

Now, below are the amazing facts…

  1. The most dangerous job in the United States is that of a fisherman, followed by logging and then an airline pilot.
  2. The only working diamond mine in the United States of America is Crater of Diamond States Park
  3. Teddy Roosevelt was the youngest president of the U.S at 24
  4. In the United States, over 1 million gallons of cosmetics, drinks, and lotions are sold that contain aloe in them per year.
  5. Over 200 varieties of watermelon are grown in the US.
  6. English is spoken at home by 80% of Americans age five or older
  7. In 1893, the first mosque in the United States was built.
  8. Automobiles operate on a network of 13 million roads in the USA
  9. The USA is the first country with nuclear weapons
  10. Every eleven minutes in the United States, a woman dies of breast cancer.
  11. Approximately, one out of every three families has a pet dog.
  12. The first menthol cigarette in the United States was “SPUD.”
  13. There is a town in Texas called Ding Dong. In 1990, the population was only 22 people.
  14. Franklin Pierce was the first United States president to have a Christmas tree in the white house.
  15. American car horns beep in the tone of F.
  16. The largest chapel in Las Vegas is the Viva Las Vegas Chapel which can seat 100 people
  17. Heber Hoover, the 31st president of the United States, turned over all the federal salary checks he received to charity during the 47 years he was in government.
  18. All three major 1996 presidential candidates- Clinton, Doles, and Perot were left-handed
  19. Approximately, 40% of the United States paper currency in circulation by the end of the Civil War.
  20. In 2002, the most popular boat name in the United States was Liberty.
  21. The USA is one of the world’s most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations
  22. The first President to ride an automobile was William McKinley. After being shot, he was taken to the hospital in 1901 Columbia electric ambulance
  23. The calling code is +1
  24. It cost 3 cents to make a $ bill in the United States.
  25. Former United States president, William Taft converted the White house stable to a four-car garage in 1909.
  26. USA has 4 major internet TLD (.us .gov .mil .edu )
  27. The United States has never lost a war in which mules are used.
  28. The U.S economy is one of the largest national economies in the world
  29. The USA is a leading political force in the world
  30. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are the top trading partners of the U.S
  31. The USA is the primary developer of genetically modified food, representing half of the world’s biotech crops
  32. Gulf Oil Company opened the first drive-in service station in the United States on December 1, 1913, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  33. The currency used in the USA is the United States Dollar ($) or USD
  34. The USA has one of the longest highway systems in the world
  35. The United States bought Alaska from Russia for 2 cents an acre.
  36. The per capita income is the world’s sixth-highest
  37. The most popular name for a pet in the United States of America is Max
  38. In 1970, women suffrage was granted
  39. All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill.
  40. The date format is m/d/yy (AD)
  41. About 10% of the 100,000 thunderstorms that occur in the United States as classified as severe
  42. Abortion in the US was legalized in 1973
  43. In a year, approximately 900 million trees are cut down to make the raw material needed for American Pulp Mills and Paper.
  44. Over 50% of the wedding in the United States occur in the afternoon.
  45. The USA is the second-largest automobile market in the world
  46. In 1996, there were 43,687 toilet-related accidents in the United States.
  47. The two major political parties in the USA are the Democratic Party(1842) and the Republican Party (1854)
  48. 32% of the land in the United States of America is owned by the federal government
  49. It is the third-largest producer of oil in the world
  50. Americans consume the most peanut butter in the world
  51. The US teenage pregnancy rate is the highest among OECD nations at 79.8 per 1000
  52. It is the world’s top producer of corn and soybeans
  53. There are two credit cards for every person in the United States of America
  54. Nicola Tesla pioneered radio
  55. Currently, 70% of businesses in the United States do not have a website.
  56. Ironically, when doctors in Los Angeles, California went on strike in 1976, the daily number of death in the city dropped 18%.
  57. The USA drives on the right
  58. 16.1% of the Americans believe that there is no God
  59. Oil has recently been the largest import commodity
  60. The unemployment rate is 8.2%
  61. By law, information collected in a United States census must remain confidential for 72 years.
  62. Nearly half of all Americans suffer from the symptom of burnout.
  63. Americans eat 45 million turkeys at thanksgiving annually.
  64. Wall Street Journal and the New York Stock Exchange is the world’s largest bourse by volume
  65. During the American revolution, inflation was so high that the price of corn rose to 10,000%, the price of wheat rose to 14,000%, the price of flour 15,000%, the price of beef to33,000%
  66. At the White House, President John Adams was said to be the first to display fireworks there.
  67. More than half the time spent in the United States Courts cases involves Automobiles.
  68. In Los Angeles, there are a few people than there are automobiles
  69. The first American president to deliver a speech on the radio was Warren G. Harding.
  70. The time zone ranges from UTC-5 to -10
  71. Chemical products are the leading manufacturing fields
  72. In the U.S, approximately 135 million cars travel every day on the streets, roads, and interstates.
  73. There are more coffee drug addicts in the United States than any other kind.
  74. The Pentagon is the largest office building in the world
  75. The United States of America has the most internet users in the world
  76. Arco, Idaho, in 1995 became the first town in the world to have all its power generated by a nuclear reactor
  77. Americans consume more than 20 billion hot dogs in 2000.
  78. The 17th president of America, Andrew Johnson did not know how to read or write until he was 17 years old.
  79. The USA has the highest rate of per-capita vehicle ownership in the world
  80. It is the third-largest country in the world in terms of population and area
  81. Americans on average use about 580 pounds of paper each year.
  82. Thomas Edison’s laboratory developed the phonograph, the first long-lasting light bulb, and the first movie camera
  83. The US dollar is the world’s primary reserve currency
  84. There are more than 100 million people in the United States of America that have chronic illnesses
  85. The most visited amusement park is the Magic Kingdom, Florida
  86. Over 436,000 U.S. troops were exposed to depleted uranium during the first Gulf War.
  87. The favorite honeymoon place is Hawaii.
  88. New York is the first capital of the United States of America
  89. The U.S has paved enough way to circle the earth over 150 times.
  90. The first public university in the United States of America was the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  91. You can own a gun in the U.S when you are 18
  92. Impotence in the U.S is grounds for divorce in 26 states of the United States of America
  93. 898 tornadoes were recorded to have occurred in the United States of America in the year 2000
  94. On the top of Washington, the world highest wind speed- 231 mph was recorded
  95. Martin Van Buren was the first president to be a U.S citizen. All previous ones were born under British subjects
  96. Americans eat approximately 20 pounds of pasta per person each year.
  97. Transportation equipment is U.S largest export
  98. About 40% of the personal vehicle in the US are vans
  99. Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.
  100. The first penny candy to be wrapped in America was the Tootsie Roll in 1896.
  101. In the U.S, poisoning is the fourth leading cause of death among children.
  102. Herbert Clark Hoover gave his servants in the White House to hide from him whenever he passed by, those who failed to do so are at the risk of being fired
  103. The three largest airless in the longest street in the world are US-based
  104. In America, 32% of employees eat their lunch and work at the same time.
  105. American football is the most-watched sport
  106. The leading business in the USA by gross business receipts is wholesale and retail; by net income it is manufacturing
  107. You must be at least 21 years old before you can buy alcohol
  108. The first motion picture exhibition in the world was given in New York
  109. The tallest free-standing structure in the world is Chief Crazy Horse in South Dakota, U.SA
  110. William Taft who was the U.S president between 1909 and1913 once got a stick in the White House bathtub.
  111. The water dispenser, WD-40 can be found in 80% of American homes.
  112. Energy consumption per capita in the US ranked the tenth highest
  113. The United States of America is a Republic with three branches of government- legislature, executive, and judiciary
  114. The United States of America comprises 50 states
  115. The number 1 cause of blindness in adults in the US is diabetes.
  116. The Republic of Ragusa, now part of present-day Croatia was the first country to recognize the U.S in 1776
  117. The statue of Liberty was a gift from France in1884
  118. 2.4% of the USA land is used for military purpose
  119. The only state that has never had an earthquake in America is North Dakota.
  120. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper
  121. The USA is the third world’s largest producer of oil
  122. China is the largest foreign holder of US public debt
  123. The currency used in the USA is the United States Dollar ($) or USD
  124. The Mall of America, located in Bloomington, Minnesota is so big that it can contain 34,336 school buses.
  125. One out of every kid in America is overweight.
  126. The products of Hollywood today dominates the global film industry
  127. Texas is the only state allowed to fly its flag at the same height as the US flag.
  128. Every year in America, an average of 625 people are struck by lightning.
  129. The US welfare state is one of the least extensive in the developed world
  130. In America, the most common mental illness is an Anxiety disorder.
  131. The first telephone call from the White House, USA was from Rutherford Hayes to Alexander Graham Bell.
  132. Queen Lydia Liliuokalani was the only queen the US ever had.
  133. The most recent state of America is Hawaii on August 21, 1959
  134. Washington D.C became the U.S capital in 1800
  135. George Washington had to borrow money to go to his inauguration
  136. It is estimated that 93% of American children will go out trick or treating for Halloween.
  137. The longest hiccup on record was by an American pig farmer whose hiccups persisted from 1922 to 1987.
  138. The websites Americans view most are Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Blogger, eBay, and Craigslist
  139. Nearly a third of all the bottled drinking water purchased in the US is contaminated with bacteria.
  140. 99% of the pumpkins sold in the U.S are for the sole purpose of decoration
  141. In 2007, New Jersey became the first state to legislatively abolish the death penalty since the 1976 supreme court decision
  142. 18% of an average American income is spent on transportation.
  143. James Madison was the shortest president of the U.S standing only 5’4”
  144. The USA has 58 national parks
  145. Americans generally prefer coffee to tea
  146. The United States of America is one of the fattest countries in the world
  147. Every year there are 178,000 cases of cancer.
  148. Agriculture accounts for just under 1% of GDP
  149. Abraham Lincoln was the only American President who was also a licensed bartender
  150. The USA is the largest consumer of petroleum in the world
  151. Gerald Ford was the only man who held the presidency and vice-presidency but was not elected to either post
  152. The longest stone bridge in the world is the Rockville Bridge in Marysville, Pennsylvania
  153. On average, each American in the United States of America uses 1668 gallons of water each day
  154. In the US, lightning hits the ground about 40 million times a year.
  155. The population density is 87.4/sq mi
  156. In 1958, THE United States of America sent three mice into space named Mia, Laska, and Benji
  157. Atlanta International Airport is the world’s busiest airport
  158. The US is home to more than 400 mammals, 750 bird, and 500 reptile and amphibian species
  159. Warren G. Harding was the first American President to visit Canada
  160. The basic literacy rate is approximately 99%
  161. The current constitution is that of July 21, 1788
  162. Chinese is the third most spoken language in the US
  163. German immigrant, Louis Prang was the first to bring Christmas cards to America.
  164. 97% of all paper money in the US contains traces of cocaine.
  165. America has the largest fast food industry
  166. James Buchanan was the only bachelor president
  167. The last land battle of the Civil War was fought in Texas
  168. 11-15% of Americans live below the poverty line every year
  169. The government in the USA is the leading field of employment
  170. The largest manmade lake in the US is Lake Mead created by Hoover Dam.
  171. The USA got independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain
  172. The world bank ranks the US in the ease of hiring and firing workers
  173. The USA has 27% of the global coal reserves
  174. In Las Vegas, casinos do not have any clocks.
  175. In total, Americans eat more than 45 billion sandwiches a year.
  176. Wabash, Indiana was the first electrically lighted city in the world
  177. Baseball is the national sport of America
  178. Water comprises 6.76% of the total land area
  179. The Hollywood Bowl in California is the world’s largest amphitheater
  180. In the US, there are approximately 65.8 million cats.
  181. About 82% of Americans live in the urban areas
  182. Andrew Jackson was the only President to believe the earth was flat
  183. College Park, Maryland has the oldest functioning airport
  184. The world’s fourth longest largest river is the Mississippi Missouri River in the U.S.
  185. The 20th president of the USA, James Garfield could write Greek with one hand and Latin with the other hand.
  186. America once issued a 5-cent bill
  187. In 2006, Massachusetts became the first state to mandate universal health insurance
  188. The anthem is “The Star-Spangled Banner”
  189. 75% of all raisins eaten by people in the US are eaten at breakfast.
  190. Eight Olympic Games have taken place in the USA
  191. There are more American females than males
  192. New York was once ruled by the Dutch
  193. In the United States of America, seven out of ten homes use candles
  194. George Washington used to grow hemp
  195. The tallest peak on the continent is Mount McKinley in Alaska
  196. The first known American novelist to hand in a manuscript that was typed was Mark Twain.
  197. Chocolate accounts for less than 2% fat in the American diet.
  198. USA’s motto is In God We Trust
  199. There is a high level of gun violence and homicide in the USA
  200. The USA ranks one of the highest labor productivity per person in the world
  201. Half of the past 42 presidents of America are of Irish descent.
  202. White comprises 72.4% of the population, African American 12.6%, Asia 4.8%, and others 10.2%
  203. In America, approximately 25% of kids aged6-14 have a magazine subscription.
  204. Jimmy Carter was the first American president born in the hospital.
  205. The only woman that has appeared on a U.S paper currency is Martha Washington
  206. The first motion picture was opened in Los Angeles in 1902
  207. In the U.S, the most frequent month for a tornado to occur in May.
  208. An average American watches an average of 4 hours 25 minutes of T.V- the second highest in the world after Japan according to Associated Press
  209. Thomas Jefferson was the first president to be inaugurated in Washington D.C.
  210. USA has the highest total GDP (PPP) at $15.094 trillion
  211. Three men founded America first nudist organization in 1929
  212. The country that emits the most carbon dioxide in the U.S
  213. The Bald Eagle is the natural bird of the U.S since 1782
  214. The United States of America uses about 21 million barrels of oil each day
  215. The United States of America has the biggest amusement park in the world, Walt Disney World
  216. The most visited state in the U.S. is California
  217. The USA is one of the five countries with the highest execution in the world
  218. 98% of houses in the United States of America have at least one T.V set

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