Tag Vitamin C

Boost Your Health With Pineapple


Pineapple has its origins in South America. It was carried by the Spanish explorers in their ships to prevent the scourge of scurvy. Early attempts to grow the fruit in Europe failed as pineapple requires a tropical climate to grow.…

10 Health Benefits of Chayote


Did you know that chayote is good for the heart and may also help prevent cancer? Check out the surprising health-giving goodness of this cucumber relative. Although chayote (Sechium edule) is typically prepared as a vegetable, it is a fruit.…

10 Health Benefits of Sweet Potato

sweet potatoes

The sweet potato is a treasure trove of nutrients. Find out how healthy is this important root vegetable. The sweet potato is a large, starchy, and sweet-tasting tuberous root that is considered one of the most nutritious root vegetables. Depending…

10 Health Benefits of Kiwifruit


Brown and fuzzy on the outside, green and zesty on the inside, that’s kiwifruit, the versatile and delightfully delicious fruit brimming with health-giving goodness. Did you know that the kiwi is considered one of the world’s most nutritious fruits? Among…

10 Health Benefits of Pomelo


The nutrition facts and health benefits of pomelo, the largest member of the citrus family. The pomelo (pummelo), also called Chinese grapefruit, jabong, lusho, and shaddock, is the largest member of the citrus family. This grapefruit ancestor has a soft…

10 Health Benefits of Clams


Looking for an ally in fighting Alzheimer’s Disease and arthritis? Try clams, they are excellent sources of nutrients that have shown to be beneficial in fighting both conditions and other health benefits. They are low in fat and calories, too.…

10 Health Benefits of Coconut Milk


Coconut milk is produced by grating a mature coconut and squeezing it with the use of a cheesecloth or both bare hands. The milky white liquid called gata in the Philippines and Santan in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei is used…

10 Nutrients Found in Banana and Plantain


Plantains are members of the banana family. Though some plantain varieties look very similar to bananas, the two are very different. While bananas are sweet, plantains are starchy that they are sometimes referred to as the pasta and potatoes of…

The Mulberry Leaf

Mulberry Leaf

Because of the high source of mineral content Mulberry leaves are expected to become a superfood material soon with preventative effects against adult diseases such as hypertension. The Origin and Health Benefits of the Mulberry Leaf Recently helped translate an…