The golden herb turmeric, botanically called Curcuma longa, is a symbol of life and prosperity in India. Recently, it has been proved that …
10 Health Benefits of Eggs
You know that eggs are good for you. But do you know exactly what nutrients are found in every egg?Small but powerful, that’s the egg. …
10 Health Benefits of Peanuts
Also known as groundnuts, peanuts, along with beans and peas are members of the legume family which are the best sources of protein in the …
10 Health Benefits of Shrimps
Do your eyes and tastebuds rejoice, but your conscience feels guilty every time you’re eating shrimps because you’re worried about their …
10 Health Benefits of Squid
Squid as food is prepared in different ways in different countries. It can be grilled, added to various cooking preparations including …