Category Health

What Ever Happened to Biorhythms?


The body, mind, and spirit connection To children of the ’60s, astrology, meditation, auras, and palm reading are as familiar as love beads, long hair, and “flower power.”  I suppose it can reasonably be said that it was the generation of peace & love that ushered…

Is Bread Making Us Crazy?


Looking at The Face of Mental Degradation Bread, The Staff of Life? I am selective about what I eat, therefore, I appreciate that the truth came out about wheat. It’s not that we don’t give proper eating a second thought,…

How to Support a Loved One in Drug Rehab?


Recovering from an addiction is a long, arduous journey – but it’s that much harder when traveled alone. And family support is a must to help your loved ones lead a sober life. Introduction Along the road to recovery any…

LGBTQIA and Mental Health

gay lgbt

We should not think of this as just an acronym but remember that there are real people behind each of these letters. What does LGBTQIA stand for, one might ask? The L stands for lesbian. The G stands for gay, the B for bisexual. The T stands for transgender. The Q stands for questioning, those who are…

World’s Oldest Dads

old man

It is a truism that as humans aged their ability to produce sperms or eggs are subjected to various negative factors, thus some may give birth or father kids with defects or conditions, or some may fail to do procreations…

Duplessis Orphans

Duplessis Orphans

Victims of Radical Medical Experimentation and Fatal Neurosurgeries This article tells the story of the Duplessis Orphans, children who were orphaned and experimented upon in despicable ways under the guise of mental health treatments. Introduction One of the biggest tragedies…

Yellow Vision Xanthopsia


Xanthopsia is the condition of seeing the world in yellow. Yellow vision is a very rare medical complaint. Known possible causes are described in this article as well as the theorized mechanism involved. Yellow Vision The complaint of yellow vision…

Drink and Girls Do Not Mix Well

Worried girl

Women’s bodies produce less of the enzyme alcohol Dehydrogenase in their stomachs than do those of men. Since this is the stuff that breaks down the booze, it’s easy to see that ladies will be more prone to liver damage…

How to Make a Shoulder Sling

Shoulder Sling

Injuries the involved a broken bone or strained muscle or ligament will need to be immobilized to prevent further injury. Immediately after an accident, however, professional medical attention is not always available, making it necessary for non-professionals to provide first…