Most of us love to drink a glass of chilled beer now and then, and are always looking for a reason, right? I have some excellent news for all the beer lovers. Read on to learn the health benefits of drinking beer. You will be amazed to know that beer can provide the same health benefits as a glass of wine a day.
Do not indulge in binge drinking, drink sensibly
But remember “Everything in excess is bad”, drinking lots of Beer is risky as it causes several health problems. Therefore do not indulge in binge drinking, simply consume beer in moderation, it is a great healthy drink.
To enjoy the benefits of beer drink it sensibly and moderately at all times. Here are the various reasons for drinking Beer.
Reduces Stress
Beer helps to lift your spirits, changes your mood while giving you a nice little buzz. It is considered a great stress reducer, refreshes you instantly with its great taste, and relaxes you
Protects from Heart Diseases
Drinking beer moderately helps to lower the chances of strokes, heart and vascular diseases to a great extent. The Vitamin B6 in beer helps in preventing the build-up of an amino acid known as homocysteine. Higher levels of homocysteine make you more susceptible to vascular and heart diseases.
Beer also thins the blood immensely and increases the circulation in the brain which protects from strokes, caused due to blood clots. Therefore drinking beer helps to fight against heart diseases tremendously
Control Diabetes
Moderate consumption of beer can easily help out in keeping your diabetes under control as vitamin B6 aids to maintain correct blood sugar levels significantly. Beer helps to keep insulin levels in control.
Reduces Hypertension and Cholesterol
One glass of beer each day improves your arterial elasticity and helps to reduce hypertension. Moderate consumption of beer also increases your good cholesterol level, keeps a guard on your cholesterol by reducing the chances of blood clots.
Cures Insomnia
Beer acts as a natural sedative and is regarded as a very effective treatment for insomnia as it tends to make one drowsy it helps a great deal making you fall asleep. A great cure for insomnia indeed. The nicotinic and lactoflavin present in beer mainly help to promote sleep.
Protects against kidney stones
Beer consumption also protects against kidney stones and gallstones. Drinking beer helps in preventing calcium deposits in the kidneys. When calcium deposits get mixed with salts and other minerals they usually turn into kidney stones.
Drinking beer protects from calcium deposits and helps to fight against gallstones and kidney stones immensely
Other Benefits of Beer
Beer a Natural Conditioner for Hair
If you want extra soft hair with the added body then try it with beer. Beer provides good nutritional value to your hair. Make a shampoo with beer just by mixing an egg into half a can of beer. Use this mix to massage your hair and then rinse thoroughly as usual. Beer acts as an excellent conditioner for your hair so use it once a month to give your hair the beer nutrition and make them soft and bouncy with the help of your favorite health drink.
Beer adds great nutritional value to your plants!
The next time you have a party do not throw the leftover half-filled beer bottles in the sink but go and pour it on your plants. Your houseplants and garden will love your beer act and will be nourished fully when the yeast adds to the soil. Beer helps you to get a blooming garden too.
Remember too much beer can make you fat and cause other various health problems. It is an excellent source of calories. Therefore take care and do not drink 2 – 3 bottles of beer a day as you will end up increasing your weight drastically and will damage your health badly.
To enjoy the health benefits of beer I strongly recommend that beer should be consumed responsibly! Cheers