Category Medicine

The Golden Herb to Protect Your Heart


The golden herb turmeric, botanically called Curcuma longa, is a symbol of life and prosperity in India. Recently, it has been proved that the rich antioxidant ingredient of turmeric lowers the risk of post bypass operation heart attacks. Turmeric powder…

Diuretics for Treating Hypertension


Diuretics are a method for reducing blood pressure. There are different kinds and work in different ways. They have other uses as well. This article is part of a series on hypertension based on lectures given by myself. Diuretics reduce…

What is Hypertension


Hypertension is a common problem. Here is an introduction. What is blood pressure? Blood pressure is a vital part of our life. Blood pressure ensures that an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients is maintained throughout our entire body. This…

The Triple Whammy

human body

Certain combinations of medications are more prone to damaging kidneys. The infamous triple whammy, a combination of a diuretic, ACE inhibitor, and an NSAID painkiller is one of them. The article elaborates on the risk of this combination. ACE Inhibitors:…

Thiazide Diuretics for Hypertension


Thiazide diuretics are an important mainstay of the hypertensive treatment formulary. Here is a bit on how they work, and what problems they can cause Diuretics – Thiazides Thiazides are the classic potassium-depleting anti-hypertension medication. In many guidelines, thiazides are…

Loop Diuretics for Hypertension


Loop diuretics such as furosemide are potent reducers of blood pressure. Here is how they work, what side effects they cause, and what they are good for. Loop diuretics Potent diuretics with significant blood pressure-lowering properties are the loop diuretics.…

Advantages of Drinking Beer


Most of us love to drink a glass of chilled beer now and then, and are always looking for a reason, right? I have some excellent news for all the beer lovers. Read on to learn the health benefits of…

Calendula Officinalis Pot Marigold

Calendula Officinalis Pot Marigold

There are more than 20 species of pot marigold, but only the Calendula officinalis is planted as ornamental and for culinary and medicinal uses. It’s a bushy, long-lived annual with branched stems. The flowers are up to 7 cm (3…

Healthy Way to Lose Weight Fast

weight loss

You can lose stomach fat and fat around other parts of your body with diet and health tips freely available here. You will discover a healthy way to lose weight fast and defeat obesity if you will take the recommended…