Squid as food is prepared in different ways in different countries. It can be grilled, added to various cooking preparations including pasta, or fried in cooking oil either plain or battered, and served with a choice of dips including lemon, ketchup, mayonnaise, olive oil, and soy sauce.
For every 3 oz (85 g) of cooked squid, these are some of the nutrients and health-giving goodness it does to the body.
1. Helps the body absorb and utilize iron (copper – 90% DV)
Squid can provide the body with 90% of copper, a trace mineral that plays a role in the absorption, storage, and metabolism of iron and the formation of red blood cells (RBC). Copper deficiency may show in the form of anemia.
2. Prevents arthritis (selenium – 63%)
Studies have shown that individuals with rheumatoid arthritis have low selenium levels in their blood. Selenium is also an antioxidant that may help relieve symptoms of arthritis by controlling free radicals. Squid contains 63% of selenium.
3. Maintains healthy skin, muscles, hair, and nails (protein – 30%)
Protein is one of the essential nutrients that the human body needs to keep it healthy. It has many health benefits, one of the most important is keeping the skin, muscles, hair, and nails in top shape. Good sources of complete protein come from animals and that includes the squid.
4. May ease migraine headaches (vitamin B2 – 23%)
Squid is rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin), a nutrient which several studies have shown lowers the frequency and duration of migraines. Although findings were preliminary, research data suggest that riboflavin supplementation may be a good addition to migraine prevention treatment.
5. Builds bones and teeth (phosphorous – 21%)
Just like fish and shrimps, squid is also packed with the mineral phosphorus. Phosphorus aids calcium in building bones and teeth.
6. Good for the heart (vitamin B12 – 17%)
Squid is a good source of vitamin B12, one of the nutrients which have shown to lower homocysteine levels in the body. Individuals with elevated homocysteine levels have been shown to have higher rates of stroke, heart attack, and death from heart disease compared to those with normal levels.
7. Regulates blood sugar levels (vitamin B3 – 11%)
Eating this marine cephalopod may help stabilize sugar levels with the help of its vitamin B3.
8. Boost immune system (zinc – 10%)
Individuals who are deficient in zinc have shown to be susceptible to a range of infectious organisms and squid is a good source of this mineral.
9. Relaxes nerves and muscles (magnesium – 8%)
Squid is a good source of magnesium called the “smoothie mineral” because of its ability to relax nerves and muscles.
10. Reduces blood pressure levels (potassium – 7%)
Trying to keep your blood pressure levels within normal range? Have some squid and then a banana or avocado to supply your body with potassium, a mineral best known for its blood pressure-lowering power.
Cholesterol alert
If you’re watching your cholesterol intake, you should consider moderating your squid consumption as this cephalopod contains one of the highest cholesterol content among seafood at 221 mg or 74% for every 3 oz serving size.
Nutrient data source: USDA