Category Nature

Promachoteuthis Sulcus: A Squid with Human-like Teeth

Promachoteuthis sulcus

Promachoteuthis sulcus is a rare, strange-looking squid, best known for its human-like teeth. The species was discovered in 2007 when a single, small distinctive individual was caught in the south Atlantic Ocean. Does it have teeth? Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Cephalopoda Order: Teuthida…

Swallowtail Butterfly Facts

swallowtail butterfly

These butterflies have boldly patterned wings with dark lace-work. These wings are designed not only to confuse predators but to attract a mate. Facts about the Swallowtail Butterfly The short ‘tails’ on the hind-wings is where this beautiful butterfly takes…

Parts of a Seed and Their Functions

Parts of Seed

Parts of a seed After fertilization inside the ovary of a flower, the fertilized egg cell divides many times to form the embryo. The plant embryo forms a hard wall around itself and is then known as a seed.  Although seeds may…

Thylacine: Tasmanian Tiger-Wolf

Thylacine painting

Believed to have gone extinct from the Tasmanian frontier by the 1930s, the strange and exotic Tasmanian tigers were once the most proficient killing machines ever to inhabit this part of the world. Though hunted with prejudice beginning in the…