Part 1: The Beginning
An epic tale begins as Ryu, our hero, suddenly finds his home aflame and his clan under attack…

Breath of Fire begins under dire straits. After you’ve named your warrior – his default name is Ryu – you find him being awakened by an urgent voice: disaster has struck, and the power of the Dragon is needed immediately. Wake up, wake up!
When Ryu opens his eyes he’s watched over by an old woman in his house – and said the house is burning up quickly. Get out of bed, check the nearby dresser for a V. Ptn, and follow the woman down the hall outside the room. She’ll get rid of flames that are barring Ryu’s progress, then lead you downstairs.
At the bottom of the building, you’ll find the village gathered in a safe space, though for how long it will remain safe no one seems to know. talk to everyone and Ryu’s sister, Sara, will show up and reveal the problem: the Dark Dragon Clan has invaded the village and is burning everything down. Uh oh.
Despite the overwhelming odds presented by the forces of Zog, the Light Dragons of the village decide to fight back… though Sara knows, all too well, that they can’t stop Zog’s men. She consequently casts a spell that turns everyone, one by one, to stone, protecting them from the flames and the soldiers alike. She tells Ryu that he’ll save the world from the terror of the Dark Dragons, then goes out to meet the enemy… alone.
Outside, escorted by Dark Dragon troops, Sara confronts their commander, a man named Jade. Sara proves more potent than she looks and fights off the soldiers, though after Jade reveals that the Dark Dragons have the goddess keys – what that means is still a mystery – he manages to defeat Sara, leaving her fate unknown.
Back in the house, the spell of stone is broken, though the villagers know that they can’t fight off Zog, despite their desire to avenge Sara. The elder realizes that Ryu will go out looking for vengeance no matter what, however, and gives him a chest to get him started. Open it for 300 gold.
Go out into the village. It’s mostly destroyed, though you can buy some beginner items and equipment. It’s a good idea to get some slightly improved armor to strengthen Ryu’s defenses before he sets out. That done, save at the Dragon Shrine near the entrance, then head out into the world to take your first steps in Breath of Fire.
Part 2: Camlon
Our intrepid hero, Ryu, sets out to the next closest town to begin his battle against the Dark Dragons – though first, he needs to take on some run-of-the-mill monsters…
The Frog’s Castle
After witnessing the destruction of his peaceful village at the hands of the men of Zog, head of the Dark Dragons, the blue-haired youth Ryu has decided to head out and avenge his people – not to mention the death of his sister, Sara. He’s got quite a lot on his plate, however, that may prove more than he can handle.
Your first step into the wide world is to level Ryu around Drogen, your starting village. The enemies here are the weakest in the game – but Ryu is also at his weakest point, starting at a paltry level one. Spend fifteen or twenty minutes just leveling up against the enemies here, earning gold and experience to strengthen your hero. Speak to the old woman in Drogen’s main house to instantly heal Ryu if you need to rejuvenate your HP, which is likely to fall often during these first few steps.
Once you’ve gotten Ryu up to level four or five, head north from Drogen. You’ll find your first city, Camlon, waiting – and just like Drogen, Camlon has been devastated… though not by the Dark Dragons. The castle is infested with normal monsters, and the people here are refugees from nearby Nanai, which is currently occupied by the Dark Dragon forces. Well, close enough…
The king needs a strong fighter to enter the castle and drive off the monsters so the Nanaians can take over and set up a new home, and Ryu’s just the guy to do the job. Save at the Dragon Shrine, go back to Drogen to get some Antidotes – you’ll need them soon – and head into the castle.
The path to the end of the castle is pretty straightforward, thanks to fallen rubble. Follow the passage to the north, west, and north again until you find some clean water. Use this to restore your HP, and consider dwelling here for a while to build up experience since the enemies in the castle offers more than outside.
Continue north and curve east and south to find 70 gold and another 70 GP in two chests. Go past another patch of healing water and north to find a set of stairs. At the bottom are two heavy doors: one contains an Herb and a BronzSD, while the other has a Gauntlet and an Herb. Equip what you’ve found, then go west and back upstairs.
Head south on the main floor to find more stairs. Downstairs you’ll find two more doors, the first with a SuedeCP and an Herb and the other with a Visor and an Herb. Go upstairs to the east and follow the path to a chest; it has a trap, though it’s a sproing that rejuvenates your HP and AP, as well as gives Ryu an Antidote. Another treasure chest nearby has another Antidote but steals your AP.
Go up the central stairs after healing yourself and you’ll be facing the current master of the castle, an oversized frog. You don’t have much choice in this fight: just attack the frog and use Herbs to heal when necessary. It hits somewhat hard, but shouldn’t be anywhere near strong enough to stop Ryu. After the battle’s done the fog covering the castle is lifted, ridding the place of monsters; get the Herb and 150 gold from the nearby chests, then go outside.
The king here will thank you, recognizing that Ryu is no false hero… though before too many kudos can be handed out the area is shaken by an earthquake. It seems that the Dark Dragons have control of Nanai’s Quake Control and are using it to wreak havoc. The king begs Ryu to stop them.
Part 3: Nanai
With Camlon saved, Ryu is proving himself a solid hero. Now he needs to prove himself against his greatest enemies, the Dark Dragons, in the occupied town of Nanai…
Ryu, already proving his heroic chops, has saved the city of Camlon from monsters – though the people here are actually from the city of Nanai, which is now under Dark Dragon control. Worse, the Dark Dragons have seized power over the Quake Control, a machine that can cause earthquakes. The king of Nanai begs Ryu to stop them.
After clearing Camlon’s castle of monsters Ryu should be quite a bit stronger than when he started, and thus capable of handling the enemies around Nanai. Head west, away from Camlon, and follow the sweep of the geography to the east and back south. You’ll find Nanai waiting.
Stick around until the day shifts to night, then enter. You’ll find the guard at the entrance asleep at his post. Well done. Not everyone is like that, though, so you’ll have to proceed carefully through the city. If you’re caught at any point you’ll be kicked out and have to start over. This means that you can’t enter the majority of the buildings right now… oh well.
Go north until you see a soldier nearby, then stick to the buildings at the bottom and head east. Check the house at the end for 300 gold, then continue south to the far wall. Going east or west will get you caught. Head east past the port and up past the armor shop (which you can enter if you’re careful, though you probably can’t afford the LongSD suitable for Ryu). Then head back to the right side of the pub and sneak north, into the castle at the end that looks a lot like an oversized Dragon Shrine.
The majority of the castle is useless, so approach and open the door in the center, then proceed inside. Ryu will find himself in a cave of sorts that leads deeper and deeper into the bowels of the earth, eventually reaching an area filled to the brim with magma. This is the path to Quake Control.
Be wary: Though the enemies here aren’t that difficult, the boss at the end of this area can be pretty tricky, particularly if Ryu is only at level 5 or 6. You may want to spend some time fighting off enemies right at the entrance to this area before you travel too deeply in and discover that the fiend at the end is too much for Ryu in his current state. If nothing else this will give you a chance to save up for the LongSD that will give you an edge in the coming fight.
Part 4: Gaia Temple
Having sneaked into Nanai, Ryu needs to take control of the, er, Earthquake Control. Will this bode well for the city above, however…?
Still running solo in his fight against the Dark Dragons, Ryu has infiltrated their newly-captured city of Nanai and is endeavoring to remove their mastery over the Quake Control, a device that can trigger earthquakes. This has forced him to enter the Gaia Temple, a magma-filled stone maze filled with perilous baddies…
Start by heading east of where you entered the area. You’ll find a path leading down to a chest with an Antidote. Go back west from here then turn south. Follow the bridge to the end, then run east to find a B. Stn. in a chest. Go back to the west and up the path to the north to find a hefty 650 gold in the chest at the end.
Go back south and return to the first bridge you crossed. Take the path leading up several stone platforms to the right of this bridge. Follow this path to the stairs at the end, then descend deeper into the temple and, at the next open area, go east. Open the chest at the end of this path for an ArmPad. Go south from here for 70 gold, then sweep back to the west and south. Check the west for an F. Stn., then go east for a Cure and the path onward. Take the large stairs at the end of the route.
You’ll emerge back in a temple part again, and when you go north you’ll see an armored figure in front of a stone tablet. This is the ambiguously-named Knight, and he doesn’t take too kindly to Ryu interrupting his use of the Quake Control. He immediately attacks.
This guy isn’t too tough, like the froggy boss who preceded him, though he’s a bit more challenging. The Knight will spend most of the battle simply swiping at Ryu, doing about as much damage to our hero as Ryu does back. Now and then he’ll use a magical lightning attack to put on a more serious hurt, however, and you should always keep Ryu’s HP above 25 or 30 to avoid getting knocked out. The Knight will also use recovery magic to bring his HP back up, so be prepared for a long fight in that regard.
After defeating the Knight he vanishes. Approach the machine and check it to find a key; remove it and the castle will begin to rumble. Jump on the flashing escape pad nearby to flee –
– and Nanai will crumble down as Ryu appears outside. Ouch. A courtier from Camlon will appear to guide Ryu back to the city, where the king will… congratulate Ryu for making a tough decision. Yeah, destroying an entire city and killing many people IS a tough decision. One of the courtiers will tell Ryu to head east to a town called Winlan to continue his journey; follow his advice and set out.
Part 5: Winlan
Ryu’s made his way from newly-demolished Nanai to Winlan, home of some winged folk. Is all well here? Of course not.
Wings of Poison
Ryu’s got quite an interesting resume so far. The son of the ruined town of Drogen, home of the Light Dragons, he’s saved the kingdom of Camlon from monsters.. and then demolished the kingdom of Nanai with the Quake Control machine. People still seem happy with him, though, so… maybe he’ll be welcome in his new destination, Winlan…? Tough to say.
After healing yourself in Camlon – you’re still weak after the battle with the Knight, head back towards the spot where Nanai once stood. Stick close to the cliffs and head north once they open up. Eventually, you’ll see a city with a windmill on top; this is Winlan.
Stay at the inn if you’re hurting from the trip, then head to the upper section of Winlan and check the houses. The one on the right side has a V. Ptn. in the dresser, the next to the left has an item shop and a bank for storing your money and items, and the far left have weapons and armor. The ChainML in particular is a good buy for Ryu, if expensive.
Head to the castle next, as the town has little else of value. Approach the girl in the center hall and Ryu will ask to see the king. The girl will go to another behind her called Nina, who reveals that the king is on his deathbed (not that Ryu is supposed to hear that) thanks to poisoning. She tells the attendant to take care of Ryu by offering him lodging while Nina secretly heads off to find a Remedy for the king.
As Ryu beds down you’ll gain control of Nina. Go downstairs and check the room north of where Ryu’s sleeping for a SuedeSH, a SuedeHT, an Herb, and an Antidote. Go to the east side of this part of the floor for two Herbs. Go downstairs to find an Antidote and an Herb in some chests, then go back upstairs and leave the castle.
Go to the weapons shop and get the BronzRP for Nina, then equip it and the other pieces of equipment you found to boost her abilities. Then leave town and head west until you see a cave. Enter it and you’re on your way to deal with the poisoner of the king –
– though before you can get very far, Nina is confronted by a pair of soldiers, Sr-1 and Sr-2 (original names, those) who insist on accompanying her on her journey. You can’t get through so long as you turn them down, so accept their help. Nina will need it since she’s pretty weak at this point. On with the journey!
Part 6: Aura Cave
Leaving Ryu behind, Breath of Fire has taken up the role of Nina, princess of Winlan. Unfortunately, her introduction to the story is anything but happy…
Two Soldiers and a Princess
Nina, the princess of Winlan, has set out on a desperate journey to the small town of Romero to solve a big problem. Her father, the king, has been poisoned – and it seems that a sorcerer living near the town, now working with the Dark Dragons, is responsible. Nina has to put him down and avenge her daddy, and hopefully get a remedy at the same time.
Inside the Aura Cave, with two new soldiers at your side, you can now proceed in the mission – though you may want to step outside first and get some experience, as Nina is quite weak and vulnerable to enemy attack. Fortunately, Nina can use magic to heal, so you shouldn’t have much trouble staying in the wild for extended periods – especially since the high-powered soldiers make her that much more potent.
Head north into the Aura Cave when you’re done leveling to the third level down, through a few staircases. Head east to find a Cure, then further east for a SuedeGN and 150 GP. Head north for an I. Ore and 70 GP, then go back south to where you started. Cross the rope bridge to the north to find an Herb, then follow the paths to another Herb. Bypass the stairs here and look to the north for a B. Stn, then backtrack to the stairs and go up. You’ll find another set at the top along with a C. Stn.
Beyond the exit, you’ll find the world map once more. Go west from here – you have little choice – to find the troubled town of Romero.
Boy, is it troubling? The town has been poisoned by some kind of potion released by the wizard, and the women have fled to… somewhere. Nobody seems to know. And, if you come at night, the dead of the village are wandering around. Now that’s just kinda weird… and though the undead is okay now, there’s no guarantee they’ll stay that way forever.
Check the village for items and weapons – though don’t bother getting any for the soldiers, they don’t stick around too long – then look through the houses until you find one with a hole in the floor. Drop through it to the basement, then check the top left room (you’ll have to push some pots out of the way, though that’s easy) for a Map on a barrel. Exit to the south.
With Romero explored, you now need to go meet with this wizard and let him know what’s what. leave the town and head to the west to do just that.
Part 7: Karma Forest
Nina and company need to cure her father, the king of Winlan. Unfortunately, she’s going to have to get through a massive tower to do it… AND a forest… nothing’s easy in Breath of Fire, sadly.
Forest Trek
Nina, with two Winlan guards at her side, is off to the tower of the wizard who’s plaguing the town of Romero with undead unnatural. The wizard may be responsible for her father’s poisoning, and if so the creature may be able to heal the man – assuming it’s willing to listen to Nina. If not, well, she can always use force to get what she wants.
Leave Romero and head west, into the woods. This is a long stretch of the same territory over and over, so it’s easy to get lost. Try not to backtrack. Head west until you can turn north, then head to the end of the trees to find an Herb. Turn back and keep going west a bit further until another intersection; check the north for 150 GP, then, before going all the way back south, check the next intersection down and to the west for an Herb. Now return to the main crossroads.
Go south from here and explore to the west to find a Bandage. Then return, once more, to the crossroads and continue all the way west along this middle road. Eventually, you’ll reach the end of the forest and emerge near a moss-covered tower, the home of the wizard.
Enter, use the restorative waters near the entrance to restore your strength – you may want to use this spot to build Nina’s level a bit while the soldiers are still around – then check the basement in the middle to find two Herbs. Go back up, then take the northwest path to a staircase in the corner. You’ll find an M. Drop at the top. Backtrack down and go east along the top wall, then go south along the east wall to find a chest of another M. Drop. Return to the central fountains and recharge your energy.
That done, approach the floating figure northeast of the fountains. You’ll be challenged by the Morte, an undead creature that’s fairly strong but quite predictable – it just swipes at your characters with its scythe. Don’t let anybody take more than two hits with being healed and keep swiping at the thing. It will die soon enough.
Now you have to begin climbing the tower in earnest, which can prove a long trek if you’re underprepared. This is your last chance to easily go back to Romero and prepare. If you feel ready, climb up the stairs and get ready for a hefty journey to the wizard’s chambers.
Part 8: Karma Tower
Karma Tower, home to a deadly wizard with a poor view of humanity, is all that stands between Nina and a cure for her father. Naturally, however, more than mere architecture will be waiting to mess her up.
Tower of Dour
Nina and her guards have managed to track down the tower of the deadly Wizard of Romero, and after defeating his first bodyguard, a creature known as Morte, they’re ready to ascend the tower and defeat the Wizard. Unfortunately, he’s going to prove a more potent opponent than they would have imagined.
Heal up after defeating Morte, then go upstairs and head south. Take the downstairs in the far south to find a Charm. Go back up a flight and check the next stairs up for a Cure. Go back down and sweep around to the west side of the area to find a stairwell to the third floor. Go south for a chest with another Charm, then go back north and east for another stairwell. Go north then up to the third floor to find an Herb, then return to the second floor and fall the second hole.
Go up the stairs until you find a path south. Go down the next set of stairs to the bottom floor where you’ll find a Life2, then go back up. There’s another floating fiend, Mortea, guarding the way north; dispatch it in the same manner as its brother. It’s a teensy bit stronger, but the method you use should be identical. Go up the stairs behind it.
You’re now at the roof. Head to the bridge from one tower to the other and cross it. It will disappear behind you. Talk to the girls here to learn of their plight, then go upstairs to save and to find restorative waters. Use them, then go downstairs, hit the switch behind the door to make the bridge extend so the girls can escape, and go down the stairwell behind them. Grab the Cure on the next floor and keep descending.
Eventually, you’ll reach the Wizard’s lab, and the Wizard will shop up right behind the group… and decide they’ll be perfect for his experiment. He uses a powerful gas, Xeon Gas, to practically incapacitate all three of your party members, making the next battle all but impossible. One of the soldiers will, after a few rounds, break off the fight to escape and look for help; keep fighting with Nina and the remaining soldier until you’re struck down, then watch as the Winlian turns into a bird and escapes from the roof, the Wizard too late to stop his flight.
Back at Winlan, the soldier reaches the castle, tells his fellow guards of Nina’s plight, and dies on the spot. The guards decide to ask Ryu for help, and one rushes into Winlan to entreat the boy. Agree to their request and you’ll be off on another adventure, this time to rescue a princess. Maybe Ryu can restrain himself from destroying a city in the process.
Part 9: The Wizard
Nina comes to the dramatic conclusion of her solo journey as Ryu, tired of waiting around in Winlan, joins the fray in Romero.
And Not of Oz
Ryu, learning the truth of things in Winlan Castle, has been called upon by the Winlians to set out for Romero and save their poor Princess Nina from certain death. Sigh, nothing’s easy for a hero in Breath of Fire… well, not one that wants to be much use, anyway…
Leave the castle after you’ve gained control of Ryu and leave the city. You’ll find a band of Winlians waiting, ready to shepherd Ryu off into the sky. Talk to the yellow-colored one to jump on his back when he transforms and watch as the Great Birds wade through squads of Dark Dragons in the skies, bringing Ryu to the roof. The soldier will join him to invade the tower.
Go down the tower, saving at the Dragon Statue along the way, and you’ll part ways with the soldier as you try to enter the Wizard’s lair. Very helpful. Go to the opposite side of the room along the bottom to find a treasure chest that will recover Ryu’s HP as well as give him a Foil he should equip. This will allow Ryu to attack every enemy on the screen at once, which is very handy against groups.
Return to the center of the room and go north. You’ll find the Wizard with Nina, and the Wizard, sensing Ryu’s heritage, realizes he can’t rely on the Xeon Gas to stop his strength. Time for a fight.
The Wizard, fortunately, is quite easy for a boss. He’ll spend most of his time using a lightning spell on Ryu that will do minimal damage to your HP. Attack steadily and heal now and then to keep Ryu’s HP high, at least above 20 or 30. Steady attacks will bring the guy down.
Once the Wizard is defeated he’ll rue his loss, given that he’d almost completed a potion of eternal life, and he’ll hand over the Remedy before dying. Ryu carries Nina back up to the roof, and the two hop on the soldier from before to return to Winlian. (The soldier will perform some aerial feats along the way that delay passage to Winlan, as well. Isn’t he concerned about, y’know, the king’s life?)
When the soldier lands Nina will run into the castle to give the king a dose of Remedy. Follow her to his room – it’s on the second floor, in the bottom left corner of the screen – and you’ll discover that the potion has a fully rejuvenating effect on the monarch. He’s brought back, as good as ever, and asks Ryu what he wants in return. All Ryu asks is passage further east…
… though he also gets Nina, who decides that Zog’s presence in the world is too much for her to ignore. She joins the team, and you officially have two permanent party members. Go to the inn, heal up Ryu after his battle with the Wizard and check the basement of Winlan Castle for the path to the east.
Part 10: Tantar and Tuntar
Tantar and Tuntar, twin towns of the plains. Will they of be any use to Ryu’s adventures across the world? Or will they be yet another stumbling block? Let’s find out.
Mirror Towns
Having saved the king of Winlan and recruited Princess Nina into his party, Ryu seems to be doing well in his mission to save the planet from the Dark Dragons thus far. His goal is still quite distant, however, and he’ll need a lot more allies than a spunky princess if he’s to succeed.
After leaving Winlan you’ll be in fresh territory, though the enemies are the same as before – at least at first. As you wander south you’ll start running into hardier creatures that will give your team a run for their money. Try to get to the two towns at the center of the area quickly. Enter one or the other, it doesn’t matter – though you’ll probably be on the left side to start – and have a look around.
This first town is Tantar, home of the Forest Clan, a race of wolfish creatures. Check nearby for an armory to upgrade your armaments, sleep at the inn (and check the back chest for a Charm), save at the Dragon Shrine, and check the southern houses. In one a smithy will give you a Saw if you give him an I. Ore, which you found in the Aura Cave (hopefully).
Check the central house. You’ll find that the river running between Tantar and the adjoining town has run dry because of the Dark Dragons, who are demanding that the Forest Clan hand over their precious Ring. Go upstairs for a W. Ptn.
Check the next town over, Tuntar, which is filled with normal humans. Check the inn for a Cure and look in the item shop for, well, items. Then check the chief’s house in the center for an Herb and to talk to the man. He wants Tantar to give up their Ring and avoid a fight with the Dark Dragons, if possible. You’ll also learn by asking around that the chief seems to have been two places at once, appearing here and in the Lament Woods to the north. Hmm, very peculiar.
before you head to said woods, you should use Tuntar as a base of operations for upgrading Ryu and Nina. It’s a solid choice with its item shop and inn, and if you can handle the enemies around here you can doubtless deal with those in the woods. Make sure, too, that you get the Saw before you leave, as your trip will otherwise be wasted.
Part 11: Lament Woods
The Lament Woods. Sounds like quite a happy place for Ryu and Nina. Right? Right? Maybe not.
Mournful Maples
With a Saw in hand and a bit of knowledge of the problem in their brain, Ryu and Nina are off to the Lament Woods to find out what the Dark Dragons are planning for the people of Tantar and Tuntar. Knowing their past deeds, it can’t be anything good.
Head northwest of Tantar, back on the road you took to get here from Winlan. You’ll find a grouping of trees, and when you approach the gap in the bottom you’ll be notified that there’s a big tree blocking the way. If you have the Saw Ryu will use it to get rid of the tree, destroying the thing (as well as the Saw) and allowing you to enter the Lament Woods.
This place is home to some slightly meaner enemies – though nothing outlandish – and a few easy-to-nab treasure chests. Go west first to find an Herb in a chest, then head to the east to find a Life and a T. Drop. Skirt the east edge to the north for a Wrist, then head to the northwest section of the forest for a T. Drop. Go east from here to find a building in the northeast corner.
Inside the building, you’ll find a pair of Dark Dragon soldiers waiting. Beat them down, then go to the east to find stairs to the basement. You’ll find a LongSD, two Lifes, and a T. Drop. Go back upstairs and loop around to the north to continue west, as there’s a pit drop under the archway.
Defeat two more soldiers in the nearby doorway, then go west and south for an Herb, a Life2, a T. Drop, and an Acorn. Go north to the stairwell in the top left corner to arrive in a new room; check the basement nearby for a WolfHT (there’s a fire trap on this one), a Herb, a T. Drop, and another Herb. Go back upstairs.
Follow the edge of the map east, north, and west for an Herb, then to the bottom left corner of the area for another Herb. Then head north to find… the chief of Tuntar?! Looks like the rumors in the town were true. Beat up on the guards keeping him under watch, then agree to let him lead you to a cache of weapons. Unfortunately, this proves to be a rather poor mistake to make on your part, as, surprise surprise, the chief is a fake…
Part 12: Recruiting Bo
The Lament Woods seemed pretty poor before, but with a new friend about to enter the party, Ryu and Nina don’t have much room to complain… so long as they can find ‘im.
Enter the Hunter
Ryu and Nina, lured into the lament Woods with news of the Dark Dragons in the area, have located a Dark Dragon base in the heart of the forest. They’ve also found the true chief of Tuntar, who appears to have been kidnapped by the dragons – or so it seems, for soon after they talk to the chief and agree to go with him to a weapons cache…
… he traps them! Cackling, the fake chief then summons up a large, ravenous beast known as Pog to deal with you. Luckily for you, however, your team is more than a match for Pog.
This two-headed monster, despite its looks, is a pushover. It will attack once, and sometimes twice, per turn. Neither hit is strong, and they always hit alternate opponents. Thus you’ll only take significant damage if Nina or Ryu is knocked out. Once you get Pog down to the end of its life meter it will use double attacks every time, though you can still beat it with normal strikes.
Once Pog goes down an arrow from nowhere will reveal the chief’s true form, that of a General, and a wolfish hunter named Bo will appear to help you fight. With three characters on your team this fight is even easier than the last; keep healed with Nina and victory will be short in coming. The General hits harder than Pog, but he can’t stand up as long since he’s being hit by three characters rather than two.
After the General’s beaten he’ll take off, still claiming victory since Tantar and Tuntar’s water supply is still cut off. The real chief will leave, and Bo will join your party for good. Head back through the enemy base and out of the Lament Woods, returning to Tuntar to recuperate. Here, if you speak to the chief, you’ll learn that you can make a nearby Stone Robot move by getting something in a cave called Agua. This will allow you to remove the rock and bring water back to the area. Convoluted, but, whatever.
Now’s a good time to get Bo up to speed, if he’s behind at all (which probably won’t be the case). Go to Tantar and give him some new equipment with your stash of cash, putting a special priority on a new bow to up his attack strength. He’ll need every bit he can get. It’s also good to note that Bo is a hunter on the world screen, and can fire arrows to take out animals where Ryu would normally have to creep in close. Keep Bo in the front of the party to stalk through woodland areas and look for an elusive white stag that will yield an item you need much later in the game.
That done, head north to find Agua, a small cave in the mountains.
Part 13: The Cleansing Water
Ryu and Nina may now have Bo helping them out, but even the wily hunter may not be enough to restore water to Tantar and Truntar… or not without a certain amount of bloodshed, anyway. Maybe some cleansing water will wash away the blood.
Fetch the WtrJr
With the wily hunter Bo a fresh addition to his team, Ryu is now off to the watery cave of Agua to see if he can do something about the Dark Dragons in the region. They’ve managed to block off a major water source, and that fact alone is spelling doom for local communities. It must be unplugged!
But how do you find Agua? At first glance, it seems to be the cave just north of Tantar and Tuntar, but this proves to be a dead end. Agua is much further away, close to Romero, and you’ll have to go back through Windia to get to it.
Or will you? Not with Bo in the lead, you won’t. Go northwest of the Lament Woods and you’ll see the edge of the forest range surrounding Romero. Put Bo in the lead and you can walk straight through these woods and head towards Windia… though first, you should check in on the time, which, as you may recall, had some zombie problems before.
They’ve gotten worse. Whenever you appear in the evening the place will be filled with the creatures, and they’ll have lost their previous sentience. Looks like the potion of the Wizard didn’t work so well. Talk to the elder in the northeast hut of the village and he’ll say that he’ll give you details about Agua if you stop the zombies. Fair enough. Go upstairs when you’re in his hut at night to talk to one of his daughters to learn about cleansing water that will get rid of the zombies, then go outside.
The zombies are running wild, save one: an elderly man in the cemetery, standing with his still-living wife. Talk to the wife and Ryu will ask for the WtrJr to cleanse the soil. The wife isn’t too keen on the idea, though the husband presses her into it. He pushes his grave open, revealing a tomb with the WtrJr and an Herb.
Leave Romero and head southwest, past the Wizard’s tower and down to a small cave on an equally small island. Go to it with Bo in the lead and enter. Time for some dungeon crawling, with appropriate amounts of treasure along the way.
Head east of the entrance for an Herb, then go west and loop around, back to the main path in the middle, for another Herb and a NiceHT. Follow the path past here to the north to find a stairwell; keep going south to find an F. Stn, then backtrack to the stairs.
Follow the south path in the first basement to locate an Herb, then backtrack to the stairs and check to the east for a T. Drop. Go back to the stairs again and go north. Follow this passage all the way around until you find stairs.
Go north on the next floor to find a BronzHt and an Apple in a small section on the first basement, then go back to the stairs and head to the south set. You’ll find a spring at the bottom; walk into the water and you’ll automatically fill the WtrJr and return to Romero with the contents, intent on getting rid of the zombies for good.
Part 14: Agua
The Stone Robot’s easy to find, but the dang thing is locked. What’s to be done? Visit a mysterious floating tower, that’s what.
More than it seems?
Ryu, Nina, and Bo, fresh out of the Cleansing Water Cave, have retrieved the precious liquid they think will purify the land of Romero and allow the zombies there to rest for good. Will it work? And if it does, will the village elder follow through on his promise to tell the team about Agua…?
As soon as your team retrieves the water in the WtrJr the game hops back to Romero, where the lead character will sprinkle the water on the ground. The effect is almost immediate: the soil is purified of the contaminants left behind by the Wizard, leaving Romero looking a whole lot nicer.
The team will enter the elder’s house, where he’s waiting with a bevy of treasure chests in exchange for your work. They contain an Antidote, 900 GP, a Herb, a Cure, and, most important, a Tablet that will allow you to enter Agua and look for the piece you need to get the Stone Robot near Tantar and Tuntar working again. Heal up, save and leave Romero.
Head a little way north from the town. You’ll see Agua floating in the air nearby. Enter the dock beneath it, then head to the end of the dock. With the Tablet in hand, you’ll be able to bring the island down so you can enter.
Go up two floors and you’ll see a floating platform to the south. You can hop on these and have them ferry your team to the opposite side of the gaps over which they hover. Hop on to go south, then loop back to the northwest to find a Life2, an Acorn, and an Apple, as well as an Herb further south. Loop to the north for stairs.
On the next floor, you’ll find a series of floating platforms. Take the one immediately south of your starting point, then take the top left one to find a SunHT. Take the platform back to the beginning. Take the bottom right platform on the middle island for an IronSH, then loop back to the start and use the bottom left platform to find ThiefCL. Hop on the next platform up and ride it to the stairs.
Snag the Acorn to the south of the next set of stairs, then take the next floating platform down. Hop on the next platform to the south to find a HairBand. Jump on the northern platform and ride up to an Herb, then get on the next platform to return to the middle of the area. Take the right platform for a Bracelet, then ride the north platform up to the top of the screen. Go up the stairs.
Head to the east here and hop on the platform to the middle, then approach the pillar with the purple ball on top. This is the boss that guards the key of the Stone Robot, and it challenges you to scrap. You’re all too happy to oblige.
The Wisp is incredibly easy. It uses two attacks: one hits a single character while the other hits all three. Attack it with Bo and Ryu while Nina concentrates on healing. So long as your hp doesn’t drop below 20 or so, you’ll have no trouble surviving. This boss also only lasts to the end of its life meter, so once you hit that apex you’re finished.
Check the pillar after the boss is finished for the key to the Stone Robot, then ride back down to the bottom of Agua and exit. You’ll be back here eventually, though not for a long while… at any rate, head back to Tantar and Tuntar to finish up with this whole Stone Robot fiasco.
Part 15: The Stone Robot
FINALLY, Ryu can get a look at the inside of the Stone Robot. Is there much to see? Click to find out. (But yes, there is.)
Who put this thing here?
Having retrieved a mysterious key from Agua, Ryu, Nina, and Bo are finally off to deal with the stone that’s blocking the water from getting to Tantar and Tuntar. Will the Dark Dragons stand for such interference? Probably not.
Your first step is to return to Tuntar, sell off any excess items you’ve found, rest, and then save back in Tantar. You’re probably tired after all the shenanigans in Agua. That done, exit the twin towns and head north from Tuntar, sticking on the outside of the land until you hit the coast. You’ll see the Stone Robot standing nearby. Climb down the cliffs to reach it, then enter through its left foot.
Climb the robot’s insides to the fourth floor and head for the center. You’ll find the General from the fake chief fiasco waiting with a few of his men, and he’s not happy with your continued interference. He won’t allow this robot to be used for any reason but evil.
The General is easier than the last time you fought him, despite having reinforcements because he’s no stronger. Take out his two cronies then assault him with regular attacks while Nina heals (which may not even be necessary). The upped strength of your team will take him out without trouble.
Once he’s gone, approach the control panel and check it. The key will activate the robot and turn on the warp panels. This will also do away with random enemy encounters inside the robot, so feel free to wander through the warp panels at your leisure to collect the treasure inside. Eventually, in your wandering, you’ll find your way to the robot’s control center, presumably in its brain…
… and Nina will order the giant construct to take out the rock blocking off the lake. As soon as the robot heads to the spot and fires its massive laser the water comes crashing down into the culvert again, restoring liquid refreshment to Tantar and Tuntar. Success!
Go back to the towns. Everyone there is happy, and if you talk to the chief of Tuntar you’ll learn that he’s planning to throw a wedding for Terry and Amelia, a man and woman from the two towns who have been in love for quite some time. You need to get the Ring of the Forest Clan to sanctify such a union, however, so head to the chief of Tantar and talk to him. He’ll push aside his seat and reveal a path to a key that will allow you to retrieve their holiest of relics. Jump on in and get started.
Part 16: The Ring
Sure, the gang has to save the world, but why not stop for a wedding first? Makes perfect sense to dally about.
Now that Tantar and Tuntar have been given back their water supply, the two villages have more or less decided that it’s time for their two lovers, Terry and Amelia, to get married. They’ll need Tantar’s special Ring to get the ceremony underway, however, and the chief of Tantar wants Ryu to go get it. Figures.
After talking to the chief of Tantar, post-Stone Robot, he’ll pull back his seat to reveal a stairway. Go down and you’ll find the key that opens the path to the Ring in a cave nearby – a cave that was previously flooded, but now, fortunately, is clear thanks to the destruction of the dam. Snag the key and head aboveground again, then go north of Tuntar to find the cave. It’s right beside the Stone Giant.
Run through this cave and you’ll discover it’s a link to another, nearby cave where the Key is waiting. Run over to the next cave in the west and enter. You’re back in dangerous territory here, though the enemies are no different than what you’ve already seen in Agua and the Stone Robot and shouldn’t prove too dangerous for your team. If you’ve been fighting steadily you’ll probably be around level 15 on average, which is perfect for this stage of the game.
The layout of the cave is fairly straightforward, despite how it looks. Follow the cave until you find a waterfall. Jump down it and, at the bottom, check the various small islands surrounding the center island for treasures and other paths. The main path beyond is to the west, though don’t neglect the stairs right next to where you land. There’s a fair amount of weaving and a couple of waterfall drops before you reach your destination…
… though, ultimately, you’ll find the Ring waiting in a blue box opposite where you first landed, albeit separated from that spot by rocky spikes. Once you’ve secured the precious cargo, hop on the warp circle below it and you’ll be instantly shunted back to the beginning of the maze. Run to the south to exit, and take the Ring back to Tantar.
When you arrive the ceremony is already underway. Run to the chief’s house in the middle of town and approach the two chiefs as they watch over the marriage of Terry and Amelia. All seems to go quite well, and the two embraces after the vows are said, and the chiefs tell Ryu and his team to use the Stone Robot after the wedding is complete to head south.
Go outside town. Unfortunately, this ceremony has given the Dark Dragon General the chance to put the Stone Robot under his command, and he uses it to destroy Tuntar. He can’t manage to get it to attack Tantar, however, which gives Ryu and the gang a chance to sneak in and take the fiend out for good.
Part 17: The Gremlin
Tuntar has been destroyed! Somebody has to pay for this, and it’s that pesky Dark Dragon General. Enter the Stone Robot and make him suffer, Ryu.
What a Jerk
Despite the joyous occasion of Terry and Amelia’s wedding, the day has been marred with tragedy in Breath of Fire: the vile Dark Dragon General has attacked and destroyed Tuntar using the massive Stone Robot. He can’t get it to attack Tantar, however, and this pause in its assault has given Ryu, Nina, and Bo a chance to sneak in and kill the general once and for all.
Reenter the Stone Giant via its foot. Enemies are running amok in its innards again, though nothing you haven’t faced plenty of times already. Ward your way through them and head for the top where you saw the General during the cut scene, in the head. (Note: This is your last chance to grab the treasure in the robot, so if you haven’t gotten all the chests yet, now’s the time to do it.)
The General is at the top, still frustrated at the robot’s stubborn unwillingness to attack Tantar, though when he sees that Ryu has the Ring he decides to take advantage of the situation. Unleashing his true form, that of the Gremlin, he attacks the party.
This boss is fairly brutal. He only uses two attacks, one that hits one character and one that hits everyone, though both hit quite hard and will tax the healing limits of Nina and, to a lesser extent, Bo. have either Ryu or Bo (whoever’s weaker) use the E. Key over and over to damage the creep with earthquake power while the other wails away on it, and keep Nina on constant healing duty. Don’t bother upping the stats of the other two unless you’re confident in their ability to withstand the Gremlin’s hits, as you’ll need every bit of AP to repair its attacks. This fight will be the longest boss battle you’ve had yet, and probably the most difficult.
Once you defeat the Gremlin it will turn back into the General momentarily, who will bewail the Stone Robot’s unwillingness to move before dying for good. The robot will then put itself into motion, forcing the team to get out as it wanders over to an active volcano…
… and plunks itself into the flowing lava up top. This destroys the robot for good, it is unwilling to allow others to use it for evil ever again. This causes the lava to overflow into the river below, filling in the water to make a quick-drying land bridge for the team. Thanks, Stone Giant, that was swelled of you.
You’re probably hurting after the Gremlin battle, so run back to Tantar and rest up before you decide to go south.
Part 18: The Dragon Shrine
Ryu and the gang are off to a cave in the south, but… what’s that little shrine there…? Better have a look, curious adventurers.
Ryu’s Power
Though Tuntar has been destroyed and dozens of people have lost their homes, all is now well in the Tantar region. The evil General is finally gone, and with Terry and Amelia married there are many promises for a bolstering of the community. Thus Ryu, Nina, and Bo head south from the region to continue on their journey, leaving everyone here in high spirits… well, kinda, anyway…
After healing up from the Gremlin fight, head back around to the Tuntar side of the river and go south to where the Stone Robot self-sacrificially created a path for the team. Just to the south of here, you’ll see what looks like a little shrine nestled in some trees; enter it.
This turns out to be an expanded Dragon Shrine, and within Ryu finds himself cut off from his friends as he enters a mysterious trial. Use the water to the side to restore your HP, then talk to the Dragon God in the center. He’ll transform into a monster and attack Ryu.
This battle is as straightforward as you can imagine. The boss, Talon, will rush Ryu over and over and over again, doing small amounts of damage. Heal whenever Ryu’s HP gets low and strikes back. Talon doesn’t heal himself, so you’ll eventually beat the creep –
– and when you do, the Dragon God will laud you for completing your training. He will then bestow new powers upon Ryu that allow our hero, already a powerful guy, to change into a dragon during battles. This ability uses up a lot of AP and should be saved for bosses or especially difficult enemy battles, but it’s a fantastic skill nevertheless… and a necessity should you desire to see the full ending of the game.
You start with the ability to change into three different dragons – Snow, Flame, and Thunder – though it’s good to note that there are many other similar shrines like this one, spread around the world. If you can find them all you’ll unlock progressively stronger powers for Ryu. There aren’t any coming up for now, though, so you’ll have to content yourself with these three forms. (Which is pretty awesome for a start, as these will ALWAYS be better than the base Ryu.)
Return to the entrance after healing and take back your team. With your dragon form, you can now head out with a great deal more security in your team. Continue your trip to the south.
Part 19: Auria
Ryu, Nina, and Bo are off to the wonderful town of Auria to continue their quest. Are there any allies waiting for them? Er… kinda.
Town of Brilliance
Ryu, now possessing the fledgling powers of his clan, is stronger than ever and more than ready to take on the evil of the Dark Dragons. He’s still got a long way before he can counter the evil of Zog, true, but this is a good start. Now, off to the south…
Leave the Dragon Shrine and put Bo at the head of the party. Head a bit further south and you’ll see a cave beyond some trees that Bo can pass through. Do so and enter the cave. The Shadows within aside – these things can be a pain with their cursing abilities, though little more than a pain – nothing you’ll see in here is different from what you’ve already encountered.
Follow the path as it winds through the cave. Your journey is quite straightforward, aside from a single derivation to the west that reveals a path blocked by rocks. You’ll get through this area eventually… but not right now. Keep it in mind for a bit later, when you have a way to get rid of the rocks. Keep going south to leave the cave.
Once you exit you’ll find yourself back on the main map in an area with some fantastically weak enemies. Don’t bother lingering: head straight south and to the town on the seaside. This is Auria, one of the richest towns in the world… and as soon as you set foot in the place, you’ll be arrested and stuck in jail, considered thieves. What an entrance.
There’s an easy way out of your cell, fortunately. You’re sharing it with one other fellow who’s sleeping in the cell’s bed. Talk to him and he’ll run over and open the lock on the cell so you can leave. Who is this dude? Oh well… go upstairs, avoid the counter and leave. There’s a soldier near the jail cell who will bring you back here if you get too close to him, though the guy in the cell can always let you out.
Now to explore. Auria has a ton of items in its opulent houses, making exploration a necessity to get everything. of particular importance is the shop near the police station: not only can you buy a ton of new items from the vendor for your party, but you can also buy a Vitamin for the man upstairs and earn yourself 5000 GP. There’s also a dresser hiding a secret room on the second floor. You can also earn 20,000 GP in one house by having Nina give a man a back rub on the second floor. Scandalous.
Ultimately, you need a ship to go from here to Scande, so head to the port. The captain of the ship will say that it belongs to a man named Ross, who’s in the north-most house in the town. You’d best visit the guy if you want to get anywhere in this town and see if he’ll lend you the ship for a while.
Part 20: Bleak
From the magnificence of Auria, Ryu and the gang are off to moldy old Bleak. Will the visit prove fruitful? Or will their stuff get nicked? Maybe a bit of both.
Town of Trickery
Auria, though a fabulous town and seemingly a nice place to stay – so long as you avoid the cops, anyway – is but a temporary stop for Ryu and his team, as they want to get across the ocean to Scande. There’s just one snag: the old ship in the port belongs to a man named Ross, and he doesn’t seem to be much for passengers on his cruises. Maybe he’ll exchange the vessel for a favor.
Go to Ross’s house in the north of Auria. You’ll find him pacing on the bottom floor. Talk to him and he’ll ask for help for the use of the ship; agree to help him and you’ll learn that, in some weird act of stupidity, his daughter has gotten stuck in Ross’s safe beneath his house. Go down the stairs in the southwest of his house and you’ll find that the safe is double-locked and tough to get through. Much too much for your team, anyway.
There’s nobody in the town who can help… well, that’s a lie, but he’s busy sleeping… so you’ll need to look elsewhere for someone who can open the safe. Fortunately, there’s a town nearby called Bleak that’s a haven for thieves, and just the place you need to get this lock broken. Head east of Auria and into the cave you find.
This path is fairly straightforward: you just have to weave through a series of stone passages to Bleak on the other side. The enemies, aside from the Bullies that will fry a single character with their lightning spells if given a chance, are quite easy to defeat and won’t pose a problem. There are plenty of treasures along the way, though you can’t get most of them since they’re locked up in safes. Rats. Don’t worry about them now, you’ll get the chance to retrieve them later.
When you emerge on the main map you’ll see a tower to the east. Ignore it and go north, then go along the mountains and south to find Bleak nestled against the mountains. Enter the thieves’ den and prepare for the worst, as this place is the polar opposite of Auria. It’s important not to listen to the proposals of people asking for money (the fortuneteller near the center of town is particularly noteworthy in this), nor to sleep at the inn if you can avoid it, as you’ll be robbed blind. Stick to the stores.
Your eventual destination here is the building in the north. The elder of Bleak will tell you that Karn, one of their thieves, could open the safe, though he’s in a place called Krypt right now. He also tells you that you’ll need the Icicle to navigate the desert safely, and he’ll trade it to you… for a G. Bar. Stingy miser.
Warp back to Auria (Nina should have Warp by now if you’ve been leveling steadily) and talk to the Gobis in the shop beside the police station. The one on the left has G. Bars, and will sell one for… 65,000 GP? Are you NUTS? Who has THAT kind of cash? Looks like you’ll be saving up a lot…
Part 21: The Icicle
Ryu needs… an icicle. And it’s gonna cost him thousands upon thousands of gold. What kind of a ripoff is this?
Pricey Ice
Ryu and his team, learning that the man they need to open the safe in Auria is in a place called Krypt, need to get their hand on a G. Bar. In doing so they can trade for an Icicle that will allow them to traverse the desert leading up to Krypt. Eesh, what a run-around.
The problem? G. Bars in Auria cost a whopping 65,000 GP. You’ve probably not had that much money total so far, though you may have come close if you’ve been fighting everything you’ve faced and collected all the treasures. There are no G. Bars just sitting around, either, so you’ll have to save up for one.
The obvious way to do this is to fight enemies. This isn’t the worst route, as the enemies around Bleak give decent amounts of cash after each defeat, and you’ll earn lots of experience in the process, particularly if you manage to off any expensive G. Slimes. This is not, however, the smartest way to go about it.
Auria is your destination for most of this collection. Go back there and look through the houses, checking every drawer and chest you find. There’s a lot of cash sitting around in the open. In doing this you’ll also find an old man who will give you 20,000 GP if Nina gives him a back rub and another man who will give you 5,000 GP for some cheap Vitamins from the store beneath his feet. All this combined with your normal wealth should give you a fair amount of cash, especially if you sell any leftover weapons and armor that you may have neglected in your inventory.
It may not be enough, though, especially if you’ve been upgrading your equipment, so there’s one more thing you can do. Teleport to Tantar and head back towards the cave separating this area from Auria. Before going through, however, check the small square of flowers with an empty spot in the middle to the east of the forest. You’ll find a boy here, stuck running around in a circle. he’s been cutting down the trees, and the fairies don’t appreciate it.
Warp back to Auria and enter the top left house. The woman will ask you to save her son. Go back to the forest and enter the bare patch in the middle of the woods with Bo. Ask the faeries to let the boy go, then go to the flower ring and talk to the boy now that he’s free. He’ll go home. Return to his mother for a 20,000 GP reward. That should be enough.
Once you’ve got your 65,000 GP, snag your G. Bar and return to Bleak. The elder will happily take the money off your hands and give you the Icicle. Good lord, all that money… well, now you can get to Krypt, at least…
Part 22: Arad
Icicle in hand, Ryu, Nina, and Bo are off to the desert to find Karn, one of the best thieves in the world. Can he help save Ross’s daughter? And is this whole trip REALLY necessary?
Rumble in the Desert
Now that they have the Icicle firmly in hand, Ryu, Nina, and Bo can enter the deserts surrounding Krypt and find Karn, the master thief, who can rescue Ross’s daughter back in Auria. What a tangled web. First, they have to FIND Krypt, of course…
Head west from Bleak after getting the Icicle to find a cave that leads to Krypt. This path is nice and straightforward: no side paths with treasure, just a thorough journey to the desert. The enemies are all the same as around Bleak, so there should be no surprises.
Move beyond the south exit of the cave, however, and you’re now in the desert, which hosts new foes that aren’t too much more difficult, though using Bo’s icy magic can make beating them even easier. Head far to the south and, aside from an odd little moving location that you can’t yet enter, you’ll find the town of Arad among the dunes, home to squat desert-dwellers who will offer you some shelter before you enter Krypt to the south.
Not that you can at this point. You need the Fife, which is held by the chief of this little tribe – and he won’t give it up unless you destroy a monstrous Sand Worm that plagues this area under the dark of night. Agree to his terms and the game will jump to the evening; check the northeast part of the town to find the Sand Worm.
This is the first major battle where Ryu’s dragon forms come in handy. Change him into a Snow Dragon and have him assault the worm steadily while Bo and Nina either attack or heal themselves. The worm is pretty simplistic in that it just attacks, though it has a fair amount of HP to whittle away. Slow and steady should win the day without too much trouble, and then you can rest again in the morning before heading out to get all of Ryu’s AP back (use the bottom right tent in Arad for free sleeping).
In the morning the chief will allow you to take the Fife from the box in the back of his tent. Snag it, then head south to the temple surrounded in quicksand. This is Krypt. Stand on the brick in front of the temple and, so long as you have the Fife, you’ll create a bridge that will shepherd the team up to the front door. Note that if you step on the quicksand you’ll wind up getting into a random battle every time, which isn’t a bad way to quickly build up experience – but won’t get you into Krypt.
Part 23: Krypt
Ryu and the gang have penetrated Krypt in search of the great thief Karn. Will they be able to track him down before the traps of this ancient palace tear them to pieces?
Traps! Traps! Traps!
After spending a load of cash and ousting a massive Sand Worm, Ryu and his team have managed to infiltrate the secretive temple of Krypt, deep in the desert. Here they hope to find Karn, a legendary thief who can help them save the daughter of a man in Auria who will then lend them his boat. True, Ryu probably could have BOUGHT a boat for what he’s spent, but that’s beside the point…
Anyway. Krypt is a large, sprawling area filled with a variety of traps, mostly in the form of monsters and pitfalls. The pitfalls you can’t avoid until you come across them, and to be honest it’s not that bad to prolong your stay here since the enemies all give high amounts of experience, particularly the E. Chests – and they show up relatively often.
The first level you’ll find is a large chamber filled with pit traps and chests. It’s good to note that none of these chests, save the one in the top left corner, are worth getting, as every one of them is a) trapped and b) filled with comparatively trashy items. Get the DreamRG, then take the stairs in the southeast.
On the next floor, you’ll see a chest and a rock with a B. Rang on it on side-by-side pedestals. The chest knocks out your lead character and you can’t get the B. Rang yet, so ignore them both and go straight north. You’ll see a creature on the top pedestal; approach it and it will gather its… eyes… and attack.
This boss, EyeSpy, only really gets dangerous late in the fight. At first, it uses simple physical attacks to hit you one character at a time. Transform Ryu and have him whittle down its HP while Bo casts Freeze and Nina heals (and Bo, if necessary, though it shouldn’t be). Once you clear away the eyes EyeSpy will start using a lightning attack that hits everyone at once; this is the point to unleash attacks with everyone unleash you’re on the brink of defeat, for though it will hit painfully it’s also almost dead.
When EyeSpy is gone you’ll have an open path to the bottom of Krypt. Here you’ll find a horde of chests; get all the red ones before you touch the blue, as it will trigger a trap. The area will begin filling with water, seemingly dooming the party… though a familiar head will pop out of a staircase beneath the blue chest: Karn. Yep, the guy who freed you from jail in Auria. He’s willing to help, but you have to get him the Book that’s hidden a bit further on in the tomb.
Go downstairs from here. Karn is waiting, and when you talk to him he’ll join the party. Now you can use him to open locks on doors when he’s in front, allowing your team to bypass many of the huge doors littering the game. This will allow you to get quite a few treasures you were forced to bypass previously. Good work. Onward!
Part 24: The Book
With Karn on the team, Ryu and the company are off to find a Book that will knock Karn’s thievery skills to the top. Will Karn prove handy enough to keep everyone safe from Krypt’s traps?
Finishing up Krypt
Having infiltrated the depths of Krypt, the desert fortress of mystery (and lots of treasure), Ryu and his team have brought the thief Karn on board – and he’s none other than that dude who let them out of jail in Auria. Wasn’t he there the last time you went, even after the chief of Bleak said he was in Krypt…? Oh well, technicalities.
Once you’ve got Karn on your team, continue through the maze that is Krypt. Fortunately, you’ve left all of the annoying pitfalls behind and can move through normal corridors for once. Put Karn in the front to unlock doors and open treasure chests, as he’ll remove the locks and prevent traps from troubling your team. This applies to virtually every treasure chest in Krypt… though most of them still have garbage. Oh well.
Before you move too far through this area, it’s worthwhile to note that this section is one of the best at this point in the game for leveling. G. Slimes appear here far more often than, say, outside Bleak, and combined with the E. Chests offer your four-man party a ton of experience. If you think you can handle sticking around, linger in this area a bit and level Karn up, as he may be lagging behind everyone else.
On the very bottom level of Krypt, you’ll find a rather strange area filled with coffins. One of them contains the Book Karn was looking for, as it IS the book. Check the bottom left casket to find this information, which is simply a message to boost Karn’s opinion that he is, indeed, the greatest thief ever. That’s it? Ugh. (Make sure Karn is in front while looking, as each of these caskets is booby-trapped.)
Once that’s done you’ll have to make your way back through Krypt, which, with Karn, is a decent bit easier – though if your team is weakened from the trip down you should still use caution. Many enemies drop Herbs, so use these liberally if Nina’s AP is low to keep everyone healthy as you proceed to the surface. Keep Karn in the front so he can spot traps before you step right into them and you should be back on the safe ground before you know it.
You’ve escaped Krypt! Run to Arad to heal, then jump to Auria (and save when you get there, as it’s probably been a long time since you last did so). Go into Ross’s basement and have Karn open the locks on the safes. The daughter will reveal that her father plans on giving the Lt Key to the Dark Dragons, as they’re giving him little choice in the matter. These keys are quite important to their plans, so this cannot happen.
Part 25: The L&D Tower
Now that Karn’s on the team and Ross’ daughter has been saved, Ryu and company are off to retrieve a mysterious key from the L & D Tower. What purpose do these keys serve in Zog’s plans…?
Foes in the Dark
With Karn on the team, Ryu and his friends have managed to free rich man Ross’s daughter from his basement, though in doing so they’ve learned that she’s being bartered in exchange for the LtKey Ross owns. The Dark Dragons want this ancient relic and will do anything to get their hands on it. Problematic for our heroes – particularly since Ross seems to be reneging on his deal to lend them a ship until they do something about it. Annoying.
You have few options for places to go now, so go with the one obvious place you’ve yet to check: the L & D Tower, north of Bleak. Teleport there and go inside with Karn in the front of the party. He can pick the lock on the door and allow you to go to the second floor…
.. where an old man awaits. His task for you is simple: defeat the tower by climbing to the top and he’ll give you a special treasure that he keeps behind him. Sounds… easy enough, right?
Not so much. True, the tower is small in its layout, but every step you take will be dogged by enemies. Worse, many of them are those annoying Shadows that curse your team. You’ll have to get Nina working overtime on her healing to keep your party in tip-top shape. Bring lots of Herbs along to preserve her AP until the top, and consider leaving the treasure chests littering the tower until later. (They’re not that great overall anyway.)
When you make it to the top, which is a long slog of countless battles, you’ll find a pillar. Approach it and the guardian of the tower, the Cloud, will appear and remark on the tower’s lack of light since the disappearance of the LtKey. It will then attack.
Cloud is, like its lookalike the Wisp, pretty easy. It uses fiery attacks to hit your team, usually striking one character at a time and doing so-so damage. Keep up your health and attack it steadily. Be wary of using Ryu’s Snow Dragon form here, for though it’s the cheapest AP-wise it takes more damage than his other two forms.
After you beat the Cloud it will congratulate you and hand over the DkKey, which pairs with the LtKey. Once you’ve checked the pillar and claimed the key the tower will be bathed in the light again – though, sadly, the enemies are still lingering. Since your team will be significantly weaker by this point, consider using some Mrbl3s to get to the bottom of the tower again.
On the second floor, you’ll find the old man, who will thank you for bringing the lights back on and allow you to take his Mirror. Nifty… or maybe not… who knows at this point? Either way, you can now leave.
Part 26: The Light Key
Got the Dark Key, so it’s time to grab that pesky Light Key. Then what’s the team to do? Maybe it’s finally time to sail to Scande!
Light-up Ryu’s Life
Ryu and his band have conquered the L & D Tower and claimed the DkKey, the second of the keys that have a mysterious tie with the Goddess Tyr. All you know is that the Dark Dragons want them… anything beyond that is still a mystery.
Ah, well. Don’t worry about that now. After checking out Bleak, which is a bit less bleak since it’s no longer bathed in darkness 24/7, return to Auria and go have a chat with Ross… only he seems to have ditched his normal spot and is sitting in the dining room. Approach him with the Mirror in hand and he’ll continue to fret over his daughter’s fate.
Your lead character will then raise the Mirror, causing the image of Ross’s wife to appear. She’ll help him realize that giving the key over to the Dark Dragons is the wrong move, and won’t help their daughter. She’ll then leave (and say ‘Peace!’ in the process? Weird) and tell you to let his daughter know he was wrong. Run downstairs and do just that and she’ll open the way for you to enter the Light Tower and protect the LtKey.
Steal everything down here (there’s some good stuff for Karn), then head upstairs and through Ross’s house to the tower. The key is waiting for you at the top, no resistance barring your path. Grab it and run back downstairs, then out to the port.
You’ll find the captain waiting… though it seems that the Dark Dragons are keeping him from leaving the port in his ship. They’ve caught wind of your plans. Drat. Run down to the end of the pier to face off against the two Dragons, a Knight and an Archer; they’re both pretty easy, despite the Knight being a rehash of an earlier boss. (You’re slightly stronger now.) Beat them down…
… and, as revenge, they’ll… destroy the ship. Ouch. So much for sailing on the thing. What’s to be done now?
Help, oddly enough, comes quickly in the form of the Gobi who rushes out and tells you that the Dark Dragon’s main base in these parts is in the cave north of here and that he’ll give you GnPwdr to blow the way through the rocks blocking the path.
His price? A G. Bar. Dah, not again! Fortunately, you should have a ton of money from your exploits that will allow you to snag a G. Bar with little effort. If not, Warp to Bleak and fight some G. Slimes until you have enough cash to afford the price tag. The people of this town know how to gouge you… take the G. Bar back out to the Gobi and give it to him for the GnPwdr. Time to make tracks to the North Cave.
Part 27: Dark Dragon Ship
With the Light and Dark Keys in hand, Ryu and the gang are ready to make for Scande on a stolen ship. Naturally, all will not go well. (When does it ever?)
Shanghaing a Ship
After spending another insane amount of money, Ryu and his group have purchased another G. Bar and traded it for some GnPwdr. With any luck, this powder will help them infiltrate the Dark Dragon base nearby and get on a ship that will take them to Scande… hopefully.
After beating up the Dark Dragons you may be a bit injured, so heal and head north from Auria to the cave that brought you here in the first place. Follow it to a split that leads west, then approach the rocks blocking the path. Your leader will set the explosives and blow the rocks away. Walk south and follow the path out of the cave.
You’re at the sea edge, near a small building. Ignore the building, there’s nothing of use in it and wander down the path to the west until you’re faced by Dark Dragons. Beat them up and keep going until you see a ship. Board it.
As you run into the ship you’ll run into a few more battles with the Dark Dragons, none of which are novel or difficult. Keep running into the ship and eventually, you’ll wind up facing a Knight below the decks. He seems to recognize your superior power, however, and transforms into a monstrous boss to bedevil your party, the Squid. (Aren’t these guys supposed to turn into dragons?)
This guy is tough, but he’ll prove easy if you transform Ryu into a Thunder Dragon. The Squid is weak to this form and will take a lot of damage to your attacks. Have your other characters use normal attacks or heal while Ryu is beating the Squid down – it doesn’t use potent attacks so healing won’t be a MASSIVE priority – and you’ll come out on top in the end.
When the Knight vanishes he vows that his brother will seek revenge. Okie Dokie, hope he’s worth the same amount of experience… proceed deeper into the ship and you’ll find a fair amount of treasure and a HUGE cache of ammunition, but that’s all. Take your leave of the emptied ship and return to Auria’s port, then talk to the captain after healing at the inn and saving. He’s ready to take you out of the area and will use the Dark Dragon ship to do it… though whether he can do this without a hitch is another matter altogether.
Part 28: Stranded
Ryu and the gang, a new (stolen) ship under their feet, are off to Scande to deal with evil Zog. Unfortunately, the Dark Dragons have something to say about this encroachment on their territory…
Set Sail!
Ryu and his team, fighting back against the Dark Dragons in the usual fashion, have captured an entire Dark Dragon ship and are preparing to set sail in the thing. Doing so may have awakened some filial rage in the Dark Dragons, however, and an incensed brother is rushing in to take revenge on the team…
Go back to Auria after capturing the ship and talk to the captain, who’s sitting alone by his sunken ship. Delighted by the turn of events, he’ll offer to set sail for Scande with your team as the guests of honor, using the Dark Dragon vessel.
Everyone will return to the Dark Dragon ship and, with the last-minute addition of the GnPwdr-selling Gobi, who wants to get dropped off near Prima, set sail. Unfortunately, the trip doesn’t last long, as three Dark Dragon ships intercept yours and a General board. It is, naturally, the brother of the Knight from before, and he sends his men at you. You’ll be forced to fight three battles again the Dark Dragons as you make your way to the GnPwdr stacked below to blow up the ship and take out the Dragons…
.. and the General, predictably, will transform into an Octo and attack you before you can do that. This thing is almost identical to its brother; use the Lightning Dragon form to beat it down. it does a bit more damage than the previous battle, but that’s all. Let Nina heal while everyone else attacks.
Unfortunately, the General proves a sore loser, and he explodes, igniting the GnPwdr. The Gobi – Gobi – pulls everyone up to the deck and into the sea, where they’re left stranded as their ship sinks, taking the enemy ships with it. Gobi apologizes for the loss… then begins spinning around, tossing everyone into the air. Yikes.
You wind up on a deserted island near Prima, an underwater city, and Gobi offers to sell Ryu the Gills so he can breathe underwater and leave. Ryu has nowhere near enough that much cash, of course, so Gobi will take what money you have left and decide to give the rest on a loan. Then he heads off to Prima to get the Gills so the team can leave the island…
… and you’re controlling him. Yep, Gobi’s a new party member, and he’ll be taking you below the seas to experience a new part of Breath of Fire travel: walking on the ocean floor.
Part 29: Gobi Goes Solo
The team is stranded on a deserted island, and none of them can survive in the water – save one. Time for Gobi to step up and prove himself a hero.
Merchant Warrior (or Warrior Merchant?)
Gobi, the… Gobi merchant of Auria has volunteered to head to the underwater city of Prima on behalf of Ryu and his team to try and find some Gills. Given that they just paid him everything they had to do the job, and then some, Gobi had best pull through on this… though his previous plans have been, er, dubious at best.
You start on a small island in the middle of nowhere with Gobi as the sole member of your team, and truth be told he’s not that good. You don’t want to get into fights with this guy, especially not on his own, for even though most of the fighting is done underwater where Gobi is at his best, he’s easily overwhelmed by the foes of the deep. Head into the water, then go west to find Prima – and don’t worry if you’re beaten, as Gobi will be sent straight to the city.
Prima is a neat place for Gobi because, if you enter the center building (it has a yellow roof) and go to the empty stall on the right end, you can act as a merchant and have customers try to sell you things or buy the equipment in your inventory. Try to get fair prices on your items and don’t sell anything you don’t want to by accident. You can also use this building for buying new items through traditional means, and there are plenty of other shops beyond this place, as well.
Your destination here, however, is the Guild Building in the back of town. Talk to the bulkier Gobi, the guild master, to learn that Gobi has not only lost his license but that there aren’t any Gills to be found in Prima. The guild master suggests checking Gant, back on dry land. Leave Prima and go south of the town to find a beach with much weaker enemies than before. Follow this long path to Gant.
The town is another merchant’s paradise with lots of nice weapons and armor, though getting anything past defensive stuff for Gobi is a waste at the moment. Check the houses for items, then go to the far north house and talk to the buff ox guarding the back. Agree to deliver Goods for him to the guild master of Prima and he’ll let you go behind him and open the chest.
Take these Goods back to Prima and talk to the guild master. He’ll give Gobi Gills thanks for the delivery. What a liar… another Gobi will then show up and say that the Dark Dragons have attacked a boat nearby, and the survivor has been brought down to Prima… and he’s being watched over by the specter of death. The guild master needs somebody to save the man, who has important information, and Gobi decides that Ryu’s a good person for the job. Get as much money as you can for the job, then it’s off to give the team some Gills.
Part 30: Saving Ox
The bold Gobi has found himself amid a situation he can’t handle alone. Will he be able to get back to Ryu and the gang in time to save a man’s life?
Back to the Team
Gobi, the opportunistic merchant fish-man, has managed to procure a set of Gills for Ryu and his buddies. At the same time, however, he’s been given the task to bring the team back to Prima, as one of the residents of Gant has sunk to the bottom of the sea after a Dark Dragon attack – and, given the presence of the reaper at his back, he needs some rescuing.
Leave Prima and run back to the east, making sure to save before you leave the place in case you did so in Gant. No need to die and have to walk back from the surface. Return to the beach where Ryu and his crew are waiting. Talk to Ryu and everyone will join up in a single unit to head underwater, the Gills firmly in place.
Go back to Prima, save again, and head into the inn near the entrance. Taking Gobi out of your team, for now, might be a good idea as he’s not that strong yet, though you can get a bit of mileage out of him if you wish for the next fight since he’ll be able to use his underwater spells. Approach the ghoul standing over the prone man, regardless of your decision, and go on the offensive.
The boss, Morteo, is fairly easy. He acts like the other reaper-type bosses you’ve fought before, relying on his scythe to do damage to a single character at once. Have Ryu transform into a dragon while the others attack or heal, as appropriate. Fire seems to do a bit more damage than other elements, so toss that in when possible and press Morteo until he crumbles.
With Morteo finished the messenger, a lad named Ox wakes up. He says that the Dark Dragons have invaded Gant and stolen away the metal-smiths of the town to work on their ‘secret weapon’, whatever that might be. The team decides to help Ox with his trouble, and he joins the team. You’re off to Gant!
Or are you? Probably not yet. Your team has just expanded substantially with the additions of Ox and Gobi (who wants to get his license back, hence his presence on the team), and both of your new members need better gear and higher levels. Consequently, it’s a good idea to use the area around Prima to level up your characters and to earn some money. Then you can return to Prima to buy new gear, then go to Gant and get some new weapons for Ox. Bleak makes a good spot for this; the bottom of Krypt is even better if you can stand to make the trip.
Either way, do as much leveling as you can stand, then head for Gant.
Part 31: Dark Dragon Fort
Ox is saved, but his people remain in bondage. Who’s going to save them all? Well, really, who else would? Let’s do this thing, Ryu.
An Ox Among Oxen
The youths of Gant have been stolen by the Dark Dragons, forced to work on some kind of secret weapon, and the sole escapee of their numbers – Ox, the burly warrior – wants to save them. To this purpose, he’s joined up with Ryu and his team to save the world from Zog and his empire, and now they must return to Gant for information.
Unfortunately, going to the town for anything other than weaponry doesn’t yield much info, as there aren’t many people around. All you’ll learn is that the young men were taken west of the mountains surrounding Gant. Go a little way west and you’ll see a temple in the northwest, but you can’t reach it.
The answer? Go around the mountains. Head back to the water and skim the western wall of the area. You’ll find a beach soon enough, not far from Prima. Go south from here to find the temple you could see in the distance.
Inside, the front door is barred, but stairs are leading to the basement. Go down them and use Ox to pound the rocks out of the way, then grab the treasures here and head back upstairs. You can also use Ox here to destroy walls that look like they’re crumbling, making him the point man for much of this dungeon. Ox can create paths past the guards here, though given how weak they are – especially compared to the tougher, random squads you’ll find – doing so just makes the trip a little shorter.
Proceed to the top right corner of the area to find some stairs. Heal up before descending, as a boss, Toad, is waiting at the bottom.
Looking almost identical to the first boss Ryu ever fought, Toad is similarly identical in attack pattern: it hits one character at a time, doing fairly significant amounts of damage. Have Nina heal (she should always be in your party for boss fights, even if she isn’t the rest of the time) while Ryu assaults Toad with backup from your other characters. Ox is, in this fight and most others, a great choice since he can take lots of damage and give it back in spades, making him your second-best damage dealer for the moment.
After Toad is done in Ox will open the cage behind him, releasing the young men of Gant. They’ll say that the weapon they were helping build has been taken to the Dark Dragon base of Nabal, along with more prisoners – including Ox’s wife. They suggest going back to Gant and speaking to an old man there before going on, as he once fought in the Dark Dragon army. You might as well follow their advice, especially since this little garrison is easy to get through. There’s also somewhere else to the west of here that you may want to check out before raiding the stronghold.
Part 32: GrimFowls
Need to break into an impenetrable castle filled with enemies? The GrimFowl’s the way to go, guaranteed – or it is in the world of Breath of Fire, at least.
Grim Entrance
Ryu and his gang of friends – who have recently expanded two six members, quite a respectable size – have been tasked with stopping the Dark Dragons of Nabal, a stronghold to the north of Gunt. Not only do the Dragons have people imprisoned, but they also seem to have a secret weapon underway… looks like the gang could use some extra help, as the place is heavily guarded.
Warp back to Gant after leaving the Dark Dragon Fortress. There is indeed an old man here, the same one who gave Gobi a package earlier, though he’s not the one you want. You DO need to utilize him… but not yet.
So why come here? With Ox on your team, you’re privy to a secret. Put him in the lead and go to the second floor, then push aside the cupboard in front of a hole in the wall. Punch the rocks away from in front of the man in here, then bring Karn to the front. This man will teach Karn how to fuse with Gobi and Bow to create Shin, a new, altogether more powerful character that can outmatch any of the other three. Karn gets more of these powers as the game progresses, as well, so try to find them all.
Now for the task at hand. Oddly enough to proceed you’ll have to go back to Arad, in the desert, then from there into Krypt. Go down to the fourth level of the dungeon and use Ox to smash the rock under the B. Rang in this room that you were forced to pass last time. Take it back to Gant and show it to the blacksmith and he’ll offer to fix it; now Ryu can equip it. Good, you can hit every enemy on the screen again.
Leave town with the B. Rang in your hands and go to the beach that leads to Prima. Rather than jumping in, though, keep walking east, past the mountains, until you see a small hut. This is the old of the old man previously spoken of. When he sees the B. Rang he’ll go a bit ballistic, then spout a random bit of knowledge: GrimFowls are tame until you steal their eggs.
… okay.
He suggests stealing an egg and using it as a weapon. Against Nabal, perhaps? Hopefully so… either way, you’re done here. Go back into the water, return to the fortress you just beat, and plow through to the other side. Go north to find a forest, one that Bo can’t bypass.
This is a small nesting ground for GrimFowls, and, sure enough, there’s an egg in a northern nest – as well as a ton of bones. Erm. It doesn’t sound like the best idea, but what choice do you have? Grab the egg. A GrimFowl will immediately attack.
This thing doesn’t have as much HP as some bosses, but it hurts all the same. The GrimFowl will use a fiery attack over and over that can quickly sap a single character’s HP. Have Ryu transform and pound on it while everyone else aids or heals. It won’t take much to kill the thing, which is good since its attacks hurt.
Once the GrimFowl dies the rest will crowd around. Move slowly to the north, making sure to keep one on your tail, as they will follow if you get close. Take it outside, onto the world map, and lead it to the castle. Once you toss the egg in the GrimFowls will charge in after it, dispersing the crowd of guards around the door. Now you can enter and get down to business.
Part 33: Nabal
Thanks to the GrimFowls, Ryu, and co. have penetrated Nabal. Will Ox’s folk finally be freed?
Diminutive Dungeon
Thanks to some help from a few unruly GrimFowl, Ryu and his merry band have managed to enter Nabal Castle without a hitch. Will they be in time to stop the Dark Dragons’ mysterious new superweapon? Only time will tell, though hopefully so…
Once you’re inside Nabal Castle you’ll still see the GrimFowl chasing the soldiers around, though you’ll also be subjected to random battles. They’re all that you’ve come to expect, so don’t worry too much. Make a run to the east and down the stairs.
When you round the next passage to the west you’ll see a Dark Dragon General taking off elsewhere, and in his place, he leaves three cronies who transform into creatures called SlimeX. Despite their unique appearance these three are all the same strength as normal enemies… though when you beat them they’ll transform into a larger SlimeX that’s, well, not much tougher than the normal guys. A bit easier, even, as it only hits one person at a time. Tear it down.
After the soldiers are defeated they’ll say that Ryu and the group are too late, as the General’s already off to destroy Prima. Ox will rescue his wife from a nearby cell, and she’ll direct the team off to Prima, where the Dark Dragon General is going to use the weapon – a torpedo – to demolish the city. Zounds! You rush out to face the guy, but he’s already taking off in his boat when you get there.
You’ll suddenly get whisked off to Prima, where the guild master tells you that you need to visit a place called Wisdon to awaken a sorceress who will do the job. Go upstairs and talk to the Gobi in the bed and he’ll say that you need a Statue to get into the sorceress’s domain; check his bed to get the Statue.
Wisdon is far from here, in the desert surrounding Krypt (remember that little moving island you couldn’t enter? Yep, that’s Wisdon). Don’t go there just yet, however, as there’s still more to explore in Nabal that you’d otherwise miss, as you get tossed out. Return to Ox’s wife’s cell, bash through the wall and have a look for a few treasures further on in the room. They’re not vital, but you won’t get them unless you make a return trip… which is never forced upon the party, unfortunately.
Are you all done? Then Warp the party to Arad. You have a date with a sorceress, and it doesn’t sound like she’ll be pleased to see you.
Head back to the desert in Part 34!