10 Most Common Reasons People Are Fired

There are lots of reasons people lose their jobs, but unfortunately in most cases, these reasons are not novel and they may even be highly preventable. Take a look to find out more.

Here are the ten most commons reasons why people are fired:

1. Absenteeism:

Not showing up on time or staying away from work regularly will cost you your job every time. The end may not come about quickly but the inevitable will eventually occur. Those with poor attendance records will also be the first to be let go when hard times hit. It is simply natural to be willing to go without those individuals that make a statement that their job is very low down on their list of priorities, because of their disregard for showing up on time or showing up at all. 

2. Poor performance:

Another popular reason for getting fired is a less than stellar performance. Companies take the time to interview, hire and train those that they believe can and will deliver a return on their investment of time and money. It is never the first response to let go of a poor performer since by that time the company has already invested a considerable amount in the individual, but incessant poor performance will result in job loss.

3. Dishonesty:

This is not tolerated in any environment. Employees that are discovered in a lie are often sent home soon afterward, depending on the severity of the offense. Resume padding or outright forgery of qualifications is grounds for immediate dismissal. Telling untruths about project milestones or meeting deadlines will get you warnings but all lies are recorded and held against you. Lie about the wrong thing and you will be shown to the door. 

4. Stealing:

This is a serious offense and will almost certainly result in your dismissal. Getting caught with your hand in the company coffers is probably the highest level of theft, but it can also involve carting off company supplies for your personal use. 

5. Not a team player:

Most companies value employees that can work well with others. Those that feel the need to accomplish everything on their own and refuse opportunities for collaboration do not usually stand the test of time. 

6. Political reasons:

In some environments, your political views or the views express must match the views of your organization. Any other opinion may be penalized to the highest degree and you can find yourself looking for work if you are unable to toe the party line. 

7. Personality issues:

Sometimes there is simply a poor fit in personality styles that only emerges after some time has been spent together. The situation can become quite acute if the two parties must work closely and it may be best to sever ties than to jeopardize the company business. 

8. Sexual harassment:

Unfortunately, this is often a tricky situation, but it is usually not regarded lightly. Someone will lose their job, whether that person is the accused or the accuser depends on the situation and the company. 

9. Downsizing:

Companies may undergo organizational structure changes that inevitably result in the elimination of some positions. This may be the result of an exercise to become more cost-efficient or less top-heavy or it may be because of a shift in company direction. The key is to stay on board in such a situation is by making sure that you are always relevant. This way the company may seek to use you in other functions and if the need for change arises, that change will not be you. 

10. Sabotage:

This is more common than you might think. Plotting to undermine your boss or co-worker is dangerous and may very well backfire. If it is found that you cannot be trusted you will be terminated and you will also have to deal with the stigma of the termination for the length of your career.

Why Does This Help?

Understanding the reasons why people are fired should be able to help those that are still holding on to gainful employment to recognize the warning signs and hopefully take action to stop those things that may be positioning them in front of the firing squad or to prepare them for the road ahead if they are in a situation that is out of their hands.

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