K. Kristie

K. Kristie

Full-time mom. Content creator.

10 Health Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

omega 3 fatty acids

Awareness of the health benefits of many nutrients has dramatically increased in recent years and that includes the health-promoting effects of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats that have a growing reputation for their health-promoting properties. These…

10 Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol Levels


High cholesterol levels can be reduced or avoided by doing simple lifestyle changes. Here’s how. Cholesterol is a type of fat linked to heart diseases and stroke. This is the reason why sometimes when there’s a food many are concerned…

10 Foods That Fight Depression


Did you know that you can help fight depression with food? Find out what fruits to eat if you want to keep this condition at bay. 10 Best Fruits That Fight Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Tryptophan is an essential amino…

10 Health Benefits of Pomelo


The nutrition facts and health benefits of pomelo, the largest member of the citrus family. The pomelo (pummelo), also called Chinese grapefruit, jabong, lusho, and shaddock, is the largest member of the citrus family. This grapefruit ancestor has a soft…

10 Health Benefits of Clams


Looking for an ally in fighting Alzheimer’s Disease and arthritis? Try clams, they are excellent sources of nutrients that have shown to be beneficial in fighting both conditions and other health benefits. They are low in fat and calories, too.…

10 Health Benefits of Eggs

brown eggs

You know that eggs are good for you. But do you know exactly what nutrients are found in every egg? Small but powerful, that’s the egg. Have at least one a day and reap its many health benefits. For every…

10 Health Benefits of Chicken Liver

Chicken Liver

For every 100 grams of pan-fried chicken liver, these are the nutrition facts and health-promoting properties. 1. Guards the body against anemia (Vitamin B12 – 352% DV) Chicken liver can supply the body with over three times the DV of…

10 Health Benefits of Coconut Milk


Coconut milk is produced by grating a mature coconut and squeezing it with the use of a cheesecloth or both bare hands. The milky white liquid called gata in the Philippines and Santan in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Brunei is used…

10 Nutrients Found in Banana and Plantain


Plantains are members of the banana family. Though some plantain varieties look very similar to bananas, the two are very different. While bananas are sweet, plantains are starchy that they are sometimes referred to as the pasta and potatoes of…