K. Kristie

K. Kristie

Full-time mom. Content creator.

Health Benefits of Green Tea

green tea

Tea comes from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, containing a plethora of antioxidants. These are polyphenols, flavonoids, and catechins. These fight the free radicals in our bodies which are causing damage to our cells. Good For teeth Tea also contains…

10 Health Benefits of Velvet Tamarind

Velvet Tamarind

Velvet tamarind (dialium guineense) commonly known as ‘icheku’in Igbo, ‘awin’ in Yoruba, and ‘tsamiyar- kurm’ in Hausa is a woody plant that occurs in the rain forest region of West Africa. It has smooth grayish bark, dark green glossy leaves,…

10 Health Benefits of Jackfruit


It smells sweet, it’s delicious, and nutritious, too. Discover the health-promoting goodness of the world’s biggest tree-borne fruit, the Jackfruit. Living in a tropical country, it’s only natural for me to be surrounded by what many parts of the world…

10 Health Benefits of Chayote


Did you know that chayote is good for the heart and may also help prevent cancer? Check out the surprising health-giving goodness of this cucumber relative. Although chayote (Sechium edule) is typically prepared as a vegetable, it is a fruit.…

10 Health Benefits of Sweet Potato

sweet potatoes

The sweet potato is a treasure trove of nutrients. Find out how healthy is this important root vegetable. The sweet potato is a large, starchy, and sweet-tasting tuberous root that is considered one of the most nutritious root vegetables. Depending…

10 Health Benefits of Kiwifruit


Brown and fuzzy on the outside, green and zesty on the inside, that’s kiwifruit, the versatile and delightfully delicious fruit brimming with health-giving goodness. Did you know that the kiwi is considered one of the world’s most nutritious fruits? Among…

10 Foods That Help Lower Blood Pressure Levels

blood pressure monitor

Potassium is a mineral known to help lower high blood pressure levels. Find out what other fruits to grab if you want to increase your potassium intake the natural way. 10 Fruits To Lower Blood Pressure Quickly Potassium is the…