The wonders of Being a Poet

I have been a writer since I was 11 and not long ago, I ventured into professional writing. But for once in my life, not until 2008, I never thought of being a Poet. Even in 2008, I tried to construct a Love Poem just to taunt a Poem, after which I forgot about it, not until 2011. But here I am with about 21 poems already written and published. Do you want to share my experience? Here it is!

First Poem ever!

1. All I want is your Love

This is my first poem ever and it sounds good. This is like a poem and also like a love letter, written to a girl a guy has been heavily crushing after to the point of already loving her, but she knows him just as a friend and she takes him that way. It is very deep and sincere.

2. Just in a split second: The sexuality of the lady in red

This is more like a story, but I still categorized it into a Poem. This talks about a guy who was so dysfunctional and suspended when he met this girl. Just read through to see what happened. Please note that initially, I wrote this as a story, so I decided to modify it into a poem. Hope you enjoy it!

3. Great community, Happy people, One family

This is a short story/poem//write-up to appreciate all my followers in helping and encouraging me to complete one month of Wikinut experience. truthfully, I have been loving it and I hope such a wonderful feeling continues. As of that moment, I had 65 followers who are considered family, but I now have about 212 followers… Such a great improvement within the space of 9 months.

4. Erotic Fantasy- A Product Of Teenage Infatuation (Experience of a girl)

After publishing one of my Poems/articles: Just in a split second-The sexuality of the lady in red, one of my friends told me he had always seen the gift of erotic and sensual articles in me. Well, this spurred me to try another one, and here it is. I hope you do enjoy it.

The next 4

5. Abjectly Blind Even With The Perfect Sight

Hurray!~~~ Just 39 days after joining Wikinut and I had already written this article as the 100th, ready to be published. Most of my articles here were then reposted articles from my EzineArticles and Hubpages account, but about 10 of these 99 articles were first published here, of which 4 are Poems!

6. A personality Already going Extinct

I once experienced a situation where two individuals fought recklessly because of $20. And what is even more appalling is the sequence of events leading to the fight. Just simple human tolerance and a little exhibition of meekness would have solved the problem. Is this virtue still in existence or has it gone extinct? Find out as you read this poem.

7. Smell The Silverware And Taste Its Glory

As a die-hard and passionate Fan of Arsenal, I am among the millions who are still waiting to throw a huge party on our first trophy since after the FA Cup in 2005. So here is a passionate Poem to give hope to the Arsenal faithful as well as encourage the Arsenal team of potential champions to keep gunning.

8. Beautiful Consists Of More Than One Colour

The then happenings of racism in the world of football and worst of all, the insensitive remarks of the FIFA president, Sepp Blatter prompted me to write this poem on racism. One more thing is that I was also inspired by Aiyanna to write it.

Next Poems

9. A Shoulder Above Its Neck And Fame Above Its Name

The week I wrote this Poem had been a blessed week of Poems and after been inspired by a lot, I decided to compose mine, getting the inspiration in the Hospital (As Usual). It’s a blend of Old English with its contemporary form which explains the features of Pride as a personality in an individual. I hope it’s cool and you do enjoy it.

10. Full Of Stains And Bath In Guilt

This is Poetry in letter form to a friend who has been hurt and betrayed. This poetry signifies a plea for mercy and forgiveness with the Hope the offender would be accepted back. I tried to make it as simple as possible bringing out its meaning so explicitly. No rhymes, no manipulation of words. Just a simple Poem in Letter form. I hope you enjoy it.

11. A Battle Of Resistance, Will, And Compromise

I was in the Hospital and then My professor told me of a patient who was in Coma for 2 weeks but was back alive. I visited this patient and ask how it was like to be in a coma. Then she said “It is like a battle between two worlds, Life and Death, coming back or forging ahead, and what makes it so difficult for me was the total darkness surrounding me”.. Trying to assimilate this statement prompted an inspiration for this poem.

12. Though Long and dreadful, the darkness has now become Light

This is a Poem been dedicated to Pregnant Women in Labor. It simply brings out the tough experience they go through, the pains they suffer from, and their reaction during this situation. Some even go as far as cursing and hating (their Men, especially)….. But everything is for a while and after delivery, smiles exist again.

More experiences as a Poet

13. As Penetrating as a Laser and Sweet Like a Fresh Berry

It was the season of Love and Valentine. I was thinking of a Love Poem. But the inspiration was not forthcoming. So when I read Songs of Solomon (the Love Poem) of the Bible, I got some Love anointing there and within some minutes, I was able to compose something worth reading. I hope it’s nice.

14. My Love For you Will Never Wax Cold

I was writing lots of Love articles and then finally, I got a wonderful inspiration to write a Poem and all the ideas just fit in perfectly into the Poem. I hope you enjoy this!

15. The Moment Of Truth: Burning Or Refining!

It was a while since I wrote a Poem before this one, and this time I wanted to do something different. Normally, I write the meaning of my poems or what their messages are all about in the summary section of each of them. This time, I wanted my readers to decode what this poem is about. Do well to read and leave comments on your much important opinions. Dedicated to my dearest friend, Linda Benjamin!

16. An Indirect Self Afflicted Tribulation: A Situation Never To Be

After getting the much-needed inspiration to write this Poem, I decided to make it a long one, interesting to read and engaging as I try to explain the magnitude of the situation in place. I garnished it with a few rhymes, so I do hope you enjoy it.

Been a Poet has been a blessing to me

17. & 18. Rhymes in Pick up Lines

I had never been this lazy in my Life the day I wrote this Poem (Sat, 21.04.12). But even with that, writing a poem has been in my mind since the previous night. But there was no inspiration to do so and I had never written a poem without been inspired. So, I just continued the day with such a heavy burden in me.

Then I was listening to Shaggy’s “Sexy Lady” when I got some lines in that song and I felt they can begin a perfect poem on pick-up lines. I was still very lazy and reluctant to try but after much push, I put myself together, got some rhyming words, fix them together, and finally, a poem. During doing this, I was able to do the same with some words I was not able to use (I did not want to waste them) which resulted in the second poem. This is a product of my laziness and I can remember using a few of the lines previously, so do not expect much from it, nevertheless, the little joy it may give, appreciate it!

19. Chelsea: Sweeping Up London’s glories

I am an Arsenal fan and I hate it the way Chelsea has taken the bragging right of being the first London Club to Win the Champion’s League. Nonetheless, I am also mad at Arsenal and Arsene Wenger for not taking that tournament extra-serious, for our 15 consistent years of challenging for it. Anyway, congrats to Chelsea!

20. My blessing, your curse!

Another Poem came to me as a divine inspiration when I was planning the architecture of my manuscript which I am yet to decide if it would be a book or a movie. The poem is about a victim of constant scorn. This person relates to their scorner, expressing their innocent thoughts and reactions to their already “fed-up” situation. This is a direct message to their tormentor. Enjoy it!

Finally: A poem dedicated to Poetry (The 21st)

Poetry: The voice of the Soul

The Soul!

Enveloped in flames of a burning Heart

suppressed by the strong will of the mind

and silenced by the dynamism of the body’s actions.

The Soul!

Morbid with many soft spots.

Its creation comes forth with undetected weakness

and even during its loudest outcry

it is almost always never heard.

How then!

can we establish a much-needed connection?

Even if it means stitching our nature to its wants

and treating it beyond just a mere cosmic wave

Establishing the connection,

may seem like counting all the legs 

of a millipede while in motion

Or observing just one drop,

from an outpour of heavy rain.

but it’s possible to take that step closer,

by so doing, only in Poetry.

cos it’s the Soul Talker.

Poetry enters the deepest pits

and travels the longest distances.

It brings out reality even from the abstract

and a Fulcrum of Music.

It bears the weight of every Nation

and can connect all physical forces.

A stronghold to Life, like one of Nature’s elements

and exciting to all, both young and old.

A preserver of tradition

and a major component of History

A sound mind speaks wisdom

and a clean Heart expresses exemplary virtues

but when the soul speaks

poetry is manifested

How weird is having no sounds

from a clinging pair of Cymbals

and no melody from a gently played Violin

so also is like the Soul without Poetry.

Concluding with a Joke!

Finally, I want to leave you guys with a little Joke.

I was in a barber’s shop shaving my hair when a little boy of about 9 years entered. The Barber told me ” This boy is the dumbest in the world and I will prove it to you”, then he brought out a $5 bill in one hand and a $20 bill in another and asked the boy to choose one. The boy chose the $5 bill and left.

“You see! He never learns, he is so dumb” The Barber exclaimed. After some minutes, I met the boy near an Ice cream Shop licking his chocolate Ice cream and I asked him why he chose the $5, then he said “The day I choose $20, the game ends”.

So, if you read any of the poems here, do well to leave a comment on what you think of the poem(s) you read. It’s a blessing to write and an overwhelming feeling to express yourself through poems. I hope you feel the way I do.

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