The Mancharians’ “Gems Of Oneness” (Book 5, Part 13): Animal Vs Human Emotions

In this second segment concerning the topic of animals, the Mancharians touch on the shades of emotion the animals have the capacity of exhibiting (from happiness to sadness), aspects that most people think are unique to humans. – Jamie Sentana-Ries-Cortez


Copyrighted and published by The Federation of Free Planets, Rania Seila Sentana-Ries-Cortez, Reni Sentana-Ries, Jamie Sentana-Ries-Cortez, and the Sentana-Ries Publishing Co.

When animals express their feelings they pour out like water from a spout. Animals’ emotions are raw, unfiltered, and uncontrolled. Their joy is the purest and most contagious of joys and their grief the deepest and most devastating. Their passions bring us to our knees in delight and sorrow.” 

–Mark Bekoff

Sunday, July 27, 2014, 3:16 pm

Good Day, beloved little infants! And we ‘are’ the escalating Mancharians, your forebearers, who have come many a time throughout the ages of time to teach the basic elementals to those of you who still are toddling around in diapers with no pins to hold you up together, but rather banded straps!

So today we encapsulate upon another fundamental truth of life, and that is the erroneous escapade of the human mind at your stage, the majority of you, or level of your evolution in which you stage the most erroneous heinous escapade of “indeed how do you treat inhumanely your animal and foul and sea fish/creatures?”

Emotion Is Not Exclusive To Man

Well, for starters, let us begin with animal emotions, and we will call this particular writ, my Jamie, as we speak as One, as to be: Animal emotions of the human being vs. human emotions of the animal. Good. Now we must go on from there, pictures and motion movies perhaps, intact. 

Do your human babies need sleep, cry, hunger, pain when too much diarrhea or constipation, or teething strike? 

So do the animals. They feel the very exact emotions every minute of every single day, night, evening, and perhaps morning if they are up also early enough.

Good. You are at the ‘human’ evolved level are ye not to understand this very simple little rudiment?

Suffering The Same Fate

Do you also understand that when you treat your fellow creation with disdain, utter disdain, you scare them half, if not completely, OUT of their wits? And after all, would you not be if you were the same product of hatred of another? Aye, soon, ye will all feel it too, just what you have ‘unrepentingly’ done to others of your creature species, for we overlook nothing, dear Ones, absolutely nothing. For we are your forebearers today, as yesterday. 

There is no difference in the time element really, and we wish you to know that the rabbit and the hen we are equally fond of, as the hare upon the tortoise goes out to the sandbanks for a kettle of fish to release from some poor fisherman’s bag to not suffer the dreadfully sane fish from a tumultuous death.

Infancy And Instinct

So, from the stillbirth of an infant, French again there. We are learning. (Sentence structure advised by the Mancharians. – Rania) …To the very lambing nature of calves, sheep, oxen, and lambs, do the offspring of the cantankerous ones also cry, laugh, play, and fun around with much joy in their souls, and of this is nature played out the same. 

Do you yet understand our most temperate words, Chelas? 

You see the hummingbird and the Gail, the peacock with his fan, the peahen with her cooing, and the lamb with its tail not docked off is no different in status among all creatures of God, as you understand creation to be with ourselves as your forebearers at the center of it all. 

(NoteThis close, loving interaction between the woman and the eel in the video is standard in highly-evolved societies and sets the tone for the rest of the animal kingdom, whether sea or land. – Jamie Sentana-Ries-Cortez)

Harmony In Oneness

And why indeed do the fowl of the field and the bandy-legged rats, the cocoons, the brine of the wheat and rice field, the solitaire essence which flows through the soul of all creation, man, woman, and creature alike, take a primitive dislike to each other from time to time? 

When they were seeded here upon this planet, we know you all call and rightfully so “Angorius,” though we do not know you bycatch names, both the human, the holy universal male and female of each species as well as the so aptly seeded of the animal, fowl and sea fish creatures lived in the most gracious harmony man could imagine. 

The Persisting Patriarchy

I have no idea, as we work in the Oneness of all harmony, why you ones continue to persist in leaving out the female when it comes to observing the male in all things. Do ye not know as of yet that to leave out the woman in your most cantankerous style of abbreviation, you leave out 1/2 of yourselves? 

Yet, you ennoble the ‘man’ far above the ‘lady’ and why is that? Simply because you have ejected along with the female exactly the other half of the little brain matter you have. 

Distinctly speaking then you are like the grass, mowed constantly every month or week under your feet in that by the very elemental rudiment of being qualified to think standing up or lying or sitting down, your carcass and all that within it just collapsed due to the itinerary of your much-missed brain matter.

So Love And Save The Animals

Back to the conclusion, we are making of the emotions of animals: They are you in every way, shape, or form. However, they look different but act by the humous laws of all creation. They smile and act divine as a cat stretching luxuriously out for a great tan. 

The animal kingdom in all its wares advises constantly, for the so-called holy universal which means precisely a man or a woman on two feet who thinks not only with their heads but displays a nature of moral and true ethical behavior. 

Good Day, Rania and Jamie, and edit well, Reni, for our words and our style is somewhat – shall we say – ‘piqued’ at the sight of your pen. (Mancharians let out a great smile. – Rania)

Jamie, my lad, fore with a copy, not our design in forwarding this writ, but remember your own words and encapsulate the title as to our very wishes. 

Good Day and a very Good Evening to the hypocrites and the lacers, for ye all are in for a fit of good news the day you decide to throw off your cantankerous and ugly behavior toward those of your nature, which for the most part is divine!

Sign off on frequency Luzon for a remembrance of your once past place, Jamie, our lad, and Rania, hand over the keystrokes back to Reni for the editorial of our punctuation, not touching that which we forbid, and join your Jamie back out on the patio garden when the rushes have almost completely flown the coup.

Mancharians over and out. Pix 4. Good Night!

Uthrania: 3:53 pm Signing off telepathic modulum Pix 4. Out.

Jamie: Signing off coordinates Luzon at 3;54 pm. Out.

– Scribed by the hand and pen of I, Uthrania Seila Sentana-Ries-Cortez

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