It is a truism that as humans aged their ability to produce sperms or eggs are subjected to various negative factors, thus some may give birth or father kids with defects or conditions, or some may fail to do procreations at all. However, nutrition, exercise and lifestyle can do wonders to remedy this trend as can be noted in the following true stories.
Deteriorating sperm quality can be improved
Study shows that sperm production in a man does usually keep up until his dying day. The effects of ageing on fertility have been studied and research shows that both volume and quality of semen generally fall off as a man gets older.
A growing body of research also shows that, like women, men’s chances of fathering children who have genetic abnormalities increase as they age. Random mutations in a man’s sperm pile up as time goes on, and passing on more genetic mutations to a child can increase his or her odds of developing autism, schizophrenia and other diseases, according to a recent study published in the journal Nature.
Still, every man is different, and it seems that deteriorating sperm quality can be remedied. Ramjit Raghav, the 96-year-old new father, reportedly eats a diet rich in vegetables and almonds, and he claims to have sex three times a night, both of which may positively affect his sperm.
Ramjit Raghav
Born in 1916 in southern India, Ramjit Raghav was a wrestler during his heydays. Now he sustains his family from the fruits of his toil as a farmer. Apart from his neighbours, he has been tagged as the world’s oldest father by disparate media sources. He had his first child with his wife at age 94. With his first child, Karamjit, now 4, Raghav, now aged, 96, with his wife Shakuntala, 54, is excited to have become a father again of newborn Ranjit. Raghav admits that he is proud of having two healthy sons at his age, and his neighbours are more jealous of his sex drive. He said he does it 3 or 4 times a night. His neighbours are asking him for his secret but all he says is that it’s God’s will.
He’s healthy and enjoys sex with his wife. He thinks it’s very important for a husband and wife to have sex regularly and when she asks he’ll go on all night but for the sake of their child they would put their needs aside for now.
Father-of-two Ramjit claims that a daily diet of almonds, butter and milk kept him sexually active
Picture: Ramjit Raghav: World’s oldest dad does it again at 96, his wife Shakuntala is 54.

Les Colley
Mineworker Les Colley (1898 – 1998), from the town of Ararat in western Victoria, attained world headlines as the world’s oldest father at age 93 years, 10 months when he fathered his ninth child a son named Oswald in July 1992 to his third wife. Colley met Oswald’s Fijian mother in 1991 through a dating agency at the age of 90. “I never thought she would get pregnant so easy, but she bloody well did,” he told newspaper reporters. He discounted the possibility that perhaps he had more to do with this miracle of fertilization. A non-drinker and non-smoker, he remained active up to the very end, succumbing to pneumonia four months shy of his 100th birthday.
Les Colley is recognized by Guinness World Record as the Oldest Father.
Nanu Ram Jogi
Nanu Ram Jogi attributes his long life and productivity to eating lots of meat. Jogi has fathered his 21st child at the age of 90 and he says that he plans to continue breeding for at least another decade. A farmer in the Indian state of Rajasthan, Jogi cannot remember exactly how many children he has produced with his four wives but estimates that he has 12 sons, 9 daughters and at least 20 grandchildren. He boasted that women love him. He wants to have more children. He can survive another few decades and want to have children till he’s 100. Then maybe it will be time to stop, he said.
Mr Jogi married his first wife, Lalki, in 1942 when he was 25, the world was at war and India was still five years away from gaining independence from Britain. He fathered his eldest daughter, Sita Devi, a year later. He married his second wife, Punni, when he was 50 and his third marriage, to Rukman, came 20 years later in 1987. He married his current wife, Saburi, in 1997 when he was 80 and India’s economic boom was beginning to get underway.
Saburi, who is 50 and has given him seven children, was previously married to his eldest son, Shiv Lal, who died ten years ago. After her husband’s death, Saburi was all set to go back to her family, but her father-in-law Jogi prevented her from doing so. He promised to look after her and vow to take care of her family, so she stayed and now they’ve 7 children.
Jogi’s staying power to father kids despite his age involves no hokus-pokus or quackery. He simply loves to eat rabbit, lamb, chicken and wild animals which he hunts and catches in the dense forest around the village. He possesses a huge appetite for eating lots of food which he says is his secret to staying healthy. He’ll survive another few decades to take care of his kids, he said.