Of all the stones I have ever worked with, none compares to Moldavite for sheer power. Even people who are not normally sensitive to the mineral world can often feel the effects of this rare and special stone. It has a very high vibration and works to open, clear, and align all of your chakras. If you choose to work with Moldavite…Hang on to your seat…It will take you on an accelerated journey of inner growth and evolution. It is the ultimate transformation stone.
The Beauty of Transformation
“Transform your thoughts and embrace love as a way of life. Your soul’s dance is one of great joy and by acknowledging its beauty you foster the awakening spirit and create positive outcomes in all aspects of life. The essence of being alive is to live like you mean it and transform limiting beliefs. By doing so you inspire the heart which will in return guide you along a path of bliss to a happy and passionate life.”— Michael Teal
“The time is now for transformation. It is a new era and we are poised with the opportunity to bring in a new consciousness and co-create a new reality. Why? Because the light within each of us has been turned on, and it’s our job to turn that light on brighter and brighter until all false thought forms dissolve in the light of our Truth.”—Dr. Michelle L. Casto

The Big Event
Moldavite is one of the rarest materials on earth. It is a beautiful, pale to dark translucent green tektite, which most scientists agree was formed during the impact of a meteorite that was believed to be approximately 1.5 kilometers in diameter in Nordlingen, Germany, creating the Reis Crater nearly 15 million years ago. The force of the impact has been estimated at 6 trillion megatons. The resulting explosion had the power of 1.8 million Hiroshima bombs, which exceeds the power that would be generated if we set off all the atomic bombs in the world at the same time. It is believed that the force of the impact pierced the earth’s crust and penetrated the iron core, which disturbed the rotating liquid iron enough to reverse the earth’s magnetic poles.
There are different hypotheses regarding Moldavite’s origin. Some scientists believe that the enormous impact and heat created by this event melted the earthly rock and sand from this area, sending it high up into the atmosphere, then raining back down on the earth in the areas of Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic), which is where most of the Moldavite is found today. Another theory is that this green-colored tektite is of extraterrestrial origin, believing that it might be a type of obsidian ejected from a lunar volcano. And yet another, more popular theory holds that it is a fusion product of earthly rock and meteoric material, which was vaporized and propelled high into the atmosphere, then condensed into the liquid glass as it rained back down on the surrounding areas. One thing that is agreed upon by all scientists is that it did indeed fall from the sky, which is why Moldavite enthusiasts love to call it ‘The Emerald that fell from the sky.’

The Many Benefits of Moldavite
“Time and again, in legend, myth, and fantasy, you can find the story of the celestial green gem of transformation. A starborn catalyst of healing and wholeness, the sacred talisman of awakening, its call opens the door to our destiny. It has been almost unnoticed in our midst for many years, but now in the times of critical mass, we find it again, the Moldavite, a multitude of human channels. Its function as a spiritual tool grows and clarifies as we use it. As more of us find the commonality of our experiences with it, our sense of oneness grows.” From the book, Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation by Robert Simmons and Kathy Warner
Moldavite is number one on my list of high vibrational stones. Its power revolves around its ability to raise our mental, psychological and spiritual awareness. Moldavite is one of the best gemstones for the expansion of consciousness, spiritual growth, and accelerated path of personal evolution. Those who feel the need to work with Moldavite often find themselves achieving rapid breakthroughs with issues from the past and the present, which makes it a great stone to wear or carry while undergoing psychotherapy. It is the perfect stone for helping us to break free of our perceived limitations. Moldavite is different than many other healing crystals in that it doesn’t heal us, it helps us to understand the cause of our illness, dis-ease, or emotional distress and thereby heal ourselves. Its high vibration helps to open, clear, and align all chakras, but it connects most strongly with the 4th (Heart), 6th (Third Eye), and 7th (Crown) chakras.
Moldavite – Change you can believe in: If you are a person who likes the safety of a static life, then this stone could be a challenge. On the other hand, if the change is what you’re looking for, then Moldavite is the stone for you. It tends to focus on areas where you have blockages or wounds. Synchronicities often increase in frequency and significance. Your dream life can become quite vivid and more meaningful. If a job or a marriage is no longer serving your highest good, you may find yourself moving on. It assists you in moving into a higher expression of yourself.

The Moldavite Effect
The most common effect I have seen when a person holds Moldavite for the first time is a tingling sensation in the hand and up the arm, which often spreads throughout the body and causes flushing of the face. This is called, ‘The Moldavite flush.‘ Some feel the heat emanating from the stone or energy jolts in different parts of the body. Some people have told me that it made them feel extremely relaxed when they first held one. This is less common, but it does happen. It varies from person to person, but most people, even the ones who aren’t usually sensitive to stones, can feel Moldavite when they first hold it. Faceted jewelry can intensify these effects.
If you choose to work with Moldavite, start slowly. Pay attention to how you are feeling. Many people feel light-headed and a bit spacey when they first start wearing this stone. Just remember that your body is adjusting to a higher vibration. Start off wearing it for 20 minutes a day and build up from there. It’s also not a good idea to put it in your bedroom or near your bed at night when you first get it, as it can disrupt your sleep. As your body adjusts to the frequency of this stone, you will be able to wear it comfortably all the time.
Moldavite can help to enhance the effect of other stones, especially, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Black Tourmaline, Citrine, Charoite, Hematite, Lapis, Larimar, Rhodochrosite, Sugilite, Smokey Quartz, and Tanzanite and tends to supercharge any stone you pair it with. It can be particularly helpful to use Amethyst, Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Smokey Quartz, or Tiger Iron with your Moldavite if you are feeling spacey in the beginning. These stones can help you to feel more grounded and balanced during your adjustment period.

How To Use Moldavite
There are a variety of ways to use Moldavite. Here are a few suggestions.
Wear it in jewelry or carry a piece in your pocket:
The best way to use your Moldavite is to wear or carry it on your body. It doesn’t require any work on your part to receive the benefits that Moldavite has to offer.
Meditating with Moldavite:
A great way to help your body adjust to using Moldavite is to do short meditations with it for several days to a week before wearing it. You will most likely find that you can avoid the light-headed/spacey feeling by doing this. Once your body aligns with the stone, you may also find that your meditations are deeper than they’ve ever been before.
Sleeping with Moldavite:
Moldavite powerfully enhances the dream state and should be used with care until you have adjusted to its frequency, but if you are interested in lucid dreaming, by all means, sleep with Moldavite under your pillow or next to your bed and get ready for the most vivid dreams you’ve ever had. I do it sometimes, but I find that my dreams become so active that I wake up feeling like I haven’t rested at all. This is not the case for everyone.
A warning about driving:
I would not suggest driving while wearing Moldavite until you have had a chance to assess how your body responds to it. Again, once you adjust to the stone, driving will not be an issue.
Things to know when buying Moldavite
If you find yourself drawn to purchasing one of these amazing stones. Here are some tips to help guarantee that you are getting the real thing:
- Raw Moldavite ranges in color from light olive green to dark green, sometimes greenish-brown with rounded or irregular shapes and pitted or convoluted surfaces, as with the first 5 pictures.
- It is never bright green as shown in the picture on the right. If it’s the color of a 7up bottle, then it probably is a 7up bottle that has been melted and reshaped.
- Several counterfeit dealers are working out of China, Thailand, and Africa. Here is a website explaining how to tell if the Moldavite.
- Moldavite always comes from the Czech Republic, Germany, or Austria. If they tell you that it’s Chinese or Tanzanian Moldavite. Run the other way.
- Keep in mind that it is a rare stone and the average price for a piece of Moldavite is $15 – $20 per gram. Pieces from Besednice (the most beautiful of all) can go for even more. If they are asking for a ridiculously low price then it is probably fake.
- Seek out a reputable gem dealer who has experience with Moldavite.
- Last, but not least…You will know when you are holding a piece of Moldavite. There is no mistaking how it feels. These tips were given to those who might need to purchase one online.