The golden herb turmeric, botanically called Curcuma longa, is a symbol of life and prosperity in India. Recently, it has been proved that the rich antioxidant ingredient of turmeric lowers the risk of post bypass operation heart attacks. Turmeric powder is an important ingredient in every South Indian dish. The rhizome is dried and used for its medical and culinary benefits.
The golden spice to protect your heart
From ancient days, turmeric (Curcuma longa) has been used as food, medicine, and cosmetics. It has been traditionally used in several Hindu rituals. Cultivated in tropical countries such as India and China, turmeric has been extensively used for medical and culinary purposes. Marco Polo, the Italian traveler who visited Asian countries in the 12th century, has mentioned in his memoirs that turmeric is a vegetable with the properties of saffron, yet it is not saffron.
Rhizome of turmeric used for various purposes
The underground stem of turmeric, called the rhizome, is the part mainly used. It is usually boiled, cleaned, and dried before usage. Raw turmeric is also used in South India for medical purposes. The turmeric plant with its rhizome is used in South Indian rituals. Ancient Indian and Chinese medicines have been using turmeric as an important medical ingredient. Ayurveda says that turmeric is a highly effective anti-inflammatory without adverse side effects. In modern medicinal systems, curcumin, the most powerful property of turmeric, is extracted from turmeric and placed into capsules.
Turmeric protects your heart
1) Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medical system, has been treating heart diseases by medicines having turmeric as one of the main ingredients. It suggests regular consumption of turmeric for lowering cholesterol.
2) Modern researches have proved that curcumin, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, can protect the heart. Recent studies, involving heart bypass surgery patients in Thailand led by the team of Dr. Wanwarang Wongcharoen, revealed that curcumin lowered the risk of postoperative heart attacks.
3) The heart muscle can easily be damaged during bypass surgery because of a prolonged lack of blood flow. This may increase the risk of a heart attack. Researches have revealed that curcumin, the yellow pigment in turmeric, significantly lowers inflammation and oxidative stress markers in the blood.
Curcumin to protect you
4) Curcumin is said to turn off certain genes that cause scarring and enlargement of the heart. Studies show that curcumin helps to reduce the heart muscle and, as a result, prevents enlargement of the heart.
5) Regular consumption of turmeric helps to reduce bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. It increases blood circulation and prevents blood clotting, thereby preventing heart attack.
6) Bharat Aggarwal, who has researched the use of curcumins in cancer therapy at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas, says that curcumin controls inflammation which develops in many diseases, including heart disease.
7) Turmeric prevents angina pectoris, a heart problem with recurring chest pain or discomfort that happens due to poor blood circulation. It also prevents the hardening of arteries by lowering cholesterol and inhibiting fat oxidation.
For centuries, turmeric has been used to treat a wide range of ailments, including heart diseases. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin are still under study. It is a very powerful remedy for lowering cholesterol, which leads to many heart problems.