People in India have a strong belief in the eclipses of the sun and moon and they have a lot of traditional rituals these days. It is not a blind belief that they do affect human health. It should be based on some ancient scientific belief that might have been lost in course of time, superseded by other forces.
Lunar eclipse
A lunar eclipse happens as the result of the Earth’s shadow on the moon. It is a natural process when the sun, the earth, and the moon come in a perfect line of alignment.
Ancient beliefs about the lunar eclipse
Some religions in the eastern world believe that pregnant women should stay indoors during an eclipse to prevent the baby from developing birth defects. Hindus also believe that during these periods water becomes undrinkable and food becomes inedible.
People still believe that you should not walk in the open air when there is a lunar eclipse. Pregnant women do affect their wombs. Children born to women who exposed themselves to lunar eclipse were affected and children born to them had defects either physically or mentally.
Still, people believe
Many people believe that if a moon is in a bad position like an eclipse it may cause heart-related diseases, breathing trouble, coughs, colds, insomnia, stress, impatience, insecurity, indecisiveness, fear, and mood swings. Exposing yourself to an open lunar eclipse may even lead to mental imbalance and lunacy. Just think why is it called “lunacy”?
There is strong evidence that the lunar eclipse does have some effect on the hormones, especially a woman’s monthly cycle and fertility.
Even today, many people who go for astrology believe that a good moon position will bring you fortunes such as, honor, fame, spiritual energy, a financial fortune, charming personality, good health, and a balanced physique.
Astrology and lunar eclipse
Astrology has calculated that the lunar eclipse occurs on June 15th, 2011, when the Moon is at approximately 24 degrees of Sagittarius, opposing the Sun at 24 degrees Gemini, and is a Total Lunar Eclipse. It has been presumed that there may be many effects on individuals as well as societies.
What does modern science say?
A modern theory called the Transylvanian effect or Transylvanian hypothesis in intellectual literature presumes that lunar eclipse may affect the body and mind as an impact on the circadian rhythm of the human body. Studies say that human and creature activities, physiological processes, and actions undergo alterations caused by seasonal changes circadian rhythms, and lunar cycles. They also state that the effects of the lunar cycle on humans and animals have been much less explored. Although the medical world warns about looking at the solar eclipse with the naked eye, it does not say anything about the lunar eclipse.
Effects of the lunar cycle on humans
Even though the medical world has not reached any conclusion that eclipses have a physical effect on people, the belief that eclipses are capable of producing psychological effects may pave the way to discoveries on this subject. The belief that the moon can alter people’s behavior, their health, wealth, or even their luck may lead to cosmological influence on human life.