Yugmapad-Asana (Penis-lengthening) Technique

This article discusses the methodology of the ancient Hindu Penis-lengthening technique known as Yugmapad-Asana, based on ancient Tantric practices.

Once the purview of wandering yogis

While millions of people around the world are familiar with Tantric sex and may even keep a copy of the Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana at their night table, few are aware that there are several other far more advanced Eastern sex-enhancing techniques and Hindu treatises on lovemaking in existence.

One particularly exciting and useful technique dating to the second century CE Mahayana Period is a nearly-forgotten Penis-lengthening method known as Yugmapad-Asana. Translated as “posture to enlarge penis to service large vagina women,” this technique was once the purview of wandering yogis who are said to have traveled the Indian countryside clad only in a loincloth or naked, practicing their ascetic disciplines and demonstrating their special expertise in this sacred, transcendental sexual technique.

A new dimension of sexual satisfaction

Then as now, this method–once mastered–can add a dimension of satisfaction to a sexual encounter hitherto unknown to most couples, and can virtually save a relationship involving the sexual satisfaction of an older woman. 

It is said that in ancient times a woman lost favor with their husbands due to their yonis (vaginas) losing elasticity after childbearing (and thus growing too large for pleasurable sexual union), these women were permitted to seek these wandering holy men for sexual satisfaction. But then as now, women with normal size vaginas also seek masters of this extraordinary technique once they experience the amazing results of this ancient method. (Regardless of a man’s size–small, medium, or large–the penis will increase dramatically in length and thickness when this method is perfected.)

The zafu

Key to this method is the acquisition of a round, often cowhide yoga cushion known as a zafu. These can be found at your local New Age gift shop or ordered online. Generally about 18–24 inches in diameter, this cushion must be large enough for the man to sit comfortably on its edge without slipping off–but not much larger. 

Commonly, the technique begins with the man sitting naked on the edge of the cushion while the woman sits naked before him, stimulating his penis to full erection. (If the woman knows the little tricks the man especially enjoys to become aroused, she should use them to achieve the hardest erection possible.) Once completely rigid, the man should sit on the very edge of the zafu, lift himself slightly off the cushion, and slip his right foot under his buttocks so that the heel is positioned behind his scrotum, slightly to the right of what is known as the “perineum,” (the space between the penis shaft and the anus). He should then lower his weight onto his heel, feeling it press into this soft spot (as if sitting on a tennis ball). If positioned properly, the man will feel a rather pleasant sensation traveling up his anus as if his prostate is being stimulated. The idea is to apply pressure to a particular muscle and pair of glands that control blood and semen flow to the penis.

The technique

Once positioned comfortably, the man should then lean back on his extended arms, shift his upper body weight backward, and let his organ extend itself. (This will be visual and apparent and should serve to excite the woman  as well.) Within a minute or two the penis will engorge and lengthen to its maximum length–typically an inch to an inch and a half longer than normal. At that point, the woman can simply climb on–either straddling his erection, sitting in a kneeling position, or wrapping her legs around his waist. He will be in a perfect position to thrust into her, or he can lean back and let her ride him to climax. 

I have personally used this method for many years and can attest to its effectiveness–and the amazing sexually-pleasing fulfillment it can achieve. 

Note: If you are unable to successfully achieve this method the very first time, do not be discouraged. This is a technique that requires both partners to relax and concentrate their efforts and may take a few attempts to coordinate. But once you do, the rewards are unequaled. And for those couples who practice yoga or limbering exercises like Tai Chi, this method can be performed well into later years of life.

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