Category Parascience

Yugmapad-Asana (Penis-lengthening) Technique

hindu master

This article discusses the methodology of the ancient Hindu Penis-lengthening technique known as Yugmapad-Asana, based on ancient Tantric practices. Once the purview of wandering yogis While millions of people around the world are familiar with Tantric sex and may even keep a…

On the Subject of “Evil”

evil spirits

While many assume the concept of “evil” has always been a part of humankind’s sociological and cultural development, it is in reality a relatively modern concept. This article explores the historical, spiritual, philosophical, and socioscientific perspectives of the concept of…

Tree Symbolism in the Bible

olive tree

Throughout the Bible, up to the last chapter of Revelation, trees are seen as important to mankind. Symbolic Trees in the Bible Many varieties of trees are cited in the Bible. The cedar became a temple, the fig, a covering,…