How to Use a Fish Scaler

Most Fish have scales that cover their bodies and these scales also act as a shield for the fish. Removing fish scales is hard work, especially if you are using a knife which might take you a longer time, and in most cases, you will leave some scales on the fish.

The introduction of fish scalers helps you minimize the work of removing the scales from fish. There are different sizes of fish scalers available. For the small fish, you can use a handheld fish scaler which will do the job much faster and better.

However, for commercial fishermen, the type of fish scalers they use is quite different from the normal fish scaler that is used to remove scales from fish that you are planning to eat at home. The commercial fish scalers are motorized and large. If you like to catch your fish rather than buy fish from the market then you need to have a fish scaler and you should know how to use it too. The following tips will help you use a fish scaler.

Buy the Fish Scaler

You should buy a fish scaler that is for home use, these are normally handheld. You can get one from any local store near you that sells fishing equipment or any store that sells kitchen aides or tools.

How to use the fish scaler

Wash the fish scaler properly under running water and grip the handle firmly. Hold the fish with one hand and drag the fish scaler down the fish’s body. When scaling use short strokes from the tail towards the head. The jagged blade on the scaler will lift each scale and remove it.

You can opt to use an electric fish scaler rather than the manual one. Pull the electric scaler down the body of the fish, the scaler vibrates while pulling off the scales. The advantage of using an electric scaler is that it makes the process much easier and it is also waterproof which means it is also safe to use without worrying about getting an electric shock.

Take time and invest in a fish scaler which will make it much easier for you to remove scales from fish.

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