The Wisconsin State Fair is at West Allis, WI. The fair normally runs during the early part of August. Check out the website for dates and times. It is a fun place to go-to for the whole family. There are lots to see and do at the fair. I hope everyone comes and checks it out.
There are lots of games and rides for all ages at the midway. Fairgoers will experience thrills, chills, giggles, silly screams, smiles, and more with the variety of amusement rides and games for every age to enjoy.
Foods on a Stick
There are various foods that you can buy that are on a stick. My favorite food on a stick the cheesecake on a stick. Others are; deep-fried apple pie, chili cheese dog, plus a whole lot more. If you can think of what you on a stick, chances are one of the vendors at the fair might have it for you.
Kids from Wisconsin
The Kids from Wisconsin program was conceived and developed in 1969 by the late Mark Azzolina at the behest of then Wisconsin State Fair Board Chairman, Herbert P. Velzer and Fair Administrator Vernon G. Wendland. They were acting on a request by the late Governor Warren P. Knowles who, given the turbulence of the late ’60s, wanted to show the nation the best face of Wisconsin’s youth.
In their first year, 400 kids auditioned for their 17-day camp, and 60 achieved positions in the first edition of the Kids from Wisconsin.
They have performed at the fair for many years. They perform at the Cousins Sub Amphitheater.
In 1982, Kids from Wisconsin, Ltd became an independent, non-profit corporation. A board of directors was formed, and a contract was negotiated with the State Fair for daily performances during its 11-day run each year. Kids maintain offices at the Fair Park administration building in West Allis, Wisconsin.
Performances have included county fairs, festivals, and conventions throughout the continent. The musical revue has helped raise thousands of dollars for worthy charitable organizations. Kids from Wisconsin maintain a demanding schedule each summer, performing 65 to 70 shows during June, July, and August.
Pig Races
Another fun thing to do is going to see the pig races. The SAZ’S RACING PIG was presented by the Milwaukee Admirals. There are normally about four races per show. Each is a different set of pigs racing around a track for the ultimate treat at the end of the race. They are always fun to watch. Each section of stands with people gets a chance to cheer for a pig to help them on to the finish.
Cream Puffs
One of the most popular delights at the fair is the Cream Puff. It all started in 1924 that was the year the Wisconsin Bakers Association and the State of Wisconsin began their joint venture to establish and operate a bakery using genuine Wisconsin dairy products in front of thousands of observers. That first year they sold 27,108 cream puffs. And each year there are always long lines in the Original Cream Puff Building. But they do have some stands around the fairgrounds for everyone who has a craving for one so they don’t have to go back to the building to get some.
Short History Of The Fair
The first Wisconsin State Fair was held in Janesville in 1851 on a six-acre plot along the banks of the Rock River and was sponsored by the State Agricultural Society. At this time, the Fair was held for just two days in October, admission was only a dime and attendance was between 13,000 and 18,000 people. It is reported that the Fair went smoothly, avoiding any accidents or disturbances. Some major attractions at the 1851 Fair included a 200-pound squash and a quarter-acre plowing competition. Along with all the hotels in the area, the barns were filled and there were a reported 461 entries with receipts totaling $570.31. At this point, the Fair was the largest reported gathering in Wisconsin history!
Throughout the next 41 years, the Fair moved between Watertown, Fond du Lac, Madison, and Milwaukee. It was not until 1892 that the Fair was held at its present site in West Allis, where it has taken place ever since. The current Fairgrounds features a grandstand with seating for thousands – the location of the Potawatomi Bingo Casino Main Stage during the Fair, a racetrack that is utilized for a variety of automotive events outside of the Fair and supplement parking during the Fair, multiple barns, a Coliseum, and various exhibit buildings.
Judging and Contests
At the fair, there is always something going on for fairgoers and for the people who bring in their animals (like cows, sheep, and horses). The people who are showing off their animals are in the barns they have at the fair but for judging purposes, they go to the Coliseum. Fairgoers can go to the Coliseum to watch the judging also. There are contests for fairgoers there scattered throughout the fair like Cream Puff eating contest, people who have best moo call to name a few.
Final Thoughts
I love going to the Wisconsin State Fair. It seems like there is always something going on there. Especially have to go there for my cream puff. The average attendance there is usually over 850,000 people or better each year.
For more information, visit their website.